Direct Admission For Swami Swatantranand Memorial College, Dinanagar

Dinanagar, Punjab   

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For Year


For Course(s)

  • Bachelor of Business Administration
  • Bachelor of Computer Application
  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Commerce
  • Master of Commerce
  • Master of Arts (Hindi)
  • Master of Arts (Punjabi)
  • Master of Arts (Economics)
  • Master of Arts (History)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications
  • Diploma in Computer Applications
  • Bachelor of Library
  • Diploma in Library Science

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Important Dates

Events Date Last Date
Registration Dates On Going On Going
Registration Fee Deposit Dates On Going On Going
Counselling Date On Going On Going
Result Announcement N.A.
College Joining Dates On Going On Going
College Fee On Going On Going
Waiting List N.A. N.A.
Classes Commencement On Going

Registration Details

Admission Registration

Students applying for the admissions have to fill up the application form on the official site. A student can submit the application for only once; multiple forms will be rejected. 

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