Kk College Of Engineering And Management is located in the state of Bihar. Kk College Of Engineering And Management was developed in 1993. It is one of the leading college in Engineering. Kk College Of Engineering And Management is situated in Nalanda, Bihar. 5 courses in various specialities are taught in this institution. It provides UG course only.
Under the Engineering, there are a total of 5 courses. The Under Graduate category has 5 courses which are B.Tech. (Mechanical Engg.), B.Tech. (...
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Kk College Of Engineering And Management is located in the state of Bihar. Kk College Of Engineering And Management was developed in 1993. It is one of the leading college in Engineering. Kk College Of Engineering And Management is situated in Nalanda, Bihar. 5 courses in various specialities are taught in this institution. It provides UG course only.
Under the Engineering, there are a total of 5 courses. The Under Graduate category has 5 courses which are B.Tech. (Mechanical Engg.), B.Tech. (Civil Engg.), B.Tech. (Electronics and Communication Engg.), B.Tech. (Electrical Engg.) and many more.
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