S.B.M. Teachers’ Training College, Hazaribagh is a very popular college in the state of Jharkhand. It is one of the leading college in Education and Teaching. It is located in Hazaribagh, Jharkhand. It is governed by N.C.T.E. 2 courses are taught in this institution. The category of courses include PG and UG Diploma courses.
Under the Education and Teaching, there are a total of 2 courses. For Post Graduate studies, B.Ed. is the only course taught. For Under Graduate Diploma studies, D.El.Ed. ...
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B.Ed. Bachelor of Education |
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D.El.Ed. Diploma (Elementary Education) |
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Daulat Mahto Memorial Teacher`s Training College, Hazaribagh
Hazaribagh, JharkhandDeo College of Education, Hazaribagh
Hazaribagh, JharkhandGautam Buddha Teachers' Training College, Hazaribagh
Hazaribagh, JharkhandMaa Vindhyavashini College of Education, Hazaribagh
Hazaribagh, JharkhandMarkham college of commerce, Hazaribagh
Hazaribagh, JharkhandNarsingh College of Education, Hazaribagh
Hazaribagh, Jharkhand