Bheemanna Khandre Institute Of Technology is a very popular college in the state of Karnataka. Bheemanna Khandre Institute Of Technology was established in 1982. It is one of the leading college in Engineering. It is located in Bidar, Karnataka. Bheemanna Khandre Institute Of Technology is a Private institution. It is governed by AICTE. More than 10 courses are taught in this institution.
Under the Engineering, there are a total of 8 courses. The Under Graduate category has 5 courses which are...
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Bheemanna Khandre Institute Of Technology is a very popular college in the state of Karnataka. Bheemanna Khandre Institute Of Technology was established in 1982. It is one of the leading college in Engineering. It is located in Bidar, Karnataka. Bheemanna Khandre Institute Of Technology is a Private institution. It is governed by AICTE. More than 10 courses are taught in this institution.
Under the Engineering, there are a total of 8 courses. The Under Graduate category has 5 courses which are B.E. (Chemical), B.E. (Civil Engg.), B.E. (Computer Science and Engg.), B.E. (Electronics and Communication Engg.) and many more. Under the Post Graduate studies, 3 courses are taught which are M.Tech. (Geotechnical Engg.), M.Tech. (Water Resources Management) and M.Tech. (Computer Science and Engg.).
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