Jagannath Degree Mahavidyalaya, Nayagarh is located in the state of Odisha. Jagannath Degree Mahavidyalaya, Nayagarh was established in the year 1993. It is one of the leading college in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Jagannath Degree Mahavidyalaya, Nayagarh is situated in Nayagarh, Odisha. 1 course is taught under UG in this institution.
Under the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 1 course is available. Under Graduate course is available for B.A. as the only program.
Name | Seats | Admission Details |
B.A. Bachelor of Arts |
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Millenium Academy of Higher Education, Nayagarh
Nayagarh, OdishaNayagarh Praja Mandal Mahila Degree Mahavidyalaya
Nayagarh, OdishaAgalpur Panchayat Samiti College, Roth, Balangir
Balangir, OdishaAnandapur College, Anandapur
Anandapur, OdishaAnchal College, Padampur
Padampur, Odisha