Iswar Saran Degree College, Prayagraj is a very popular college in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Iswar Saran Degree College, Prayagraj was established in 1970. It is one of the leading college in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Business Finance and Commerce, Defence Services, Education and Teaching, Law, Science and Mathematics and Vocational Studies. It is located in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. More than 42 courses are taught in this institution.
Under the Arts, Humanities and Social Scienc...
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Iswar Saran Degree College, Prayagraj is a very popular college in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Iswar Saran Degree College, Prayagraj was established in 1970. It is one of the leading college in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Business Finance and Commerce, Defence Services, Education and Teaching, Law, Science and Mathematics and Vocational Studies. It is located in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. More than 42 courses are taught in this institution.
Under the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, there are a total of 31 courses. The Under Graduate category has 10 courses which are B.A., B.A. (Defence and Strategic Studies), B.Sc. (Defence and Strategic Studies), B.A. (Ancient History) and many more. Under the Post Graduate studies, 13 courses are taught which are M.A. (Ancient History), M.A. (Medieval History), M.A. (Sociology), M.A. (Political Science) etc. The Doctoral category has 8 courses which are Ph.D. (Ancient History), Ph.D. (Medieval History), Ph.D. (English), Ph.D. (Economics) and many more.
Under the Business Finance and Commerce, there are a total of 3 courses. For Under Graduate studies, B.Com. is the only course taught. For Post Graduate studies, M.Com. is the only course taught. For Doctoral studies, Ph.D. (Commerce) is the only course taught.
Under the Education and Teaching, there are a total of 4 courses. For Under Graduate studies, B.A. (Education) and B.A. (Physical Education) are available for enrolment. For Post Graduate studies, M.A. (Education) is the only course taught. For Doctoral studies, Ph.D. (Education) is the only course taught.
Under the Law, 1 course is available. For Under Graduate studies, B.A. LL.B. is the only course taught.
Under the Science and Mathematics, there are a total of 5 courses. The Under Graduate category has 5 courses which are B.Sc., B.Sc. (Computer Science), B.Sc. (Biochemistry), B.Sc. (Environmental Science) and many more.
Under the Vocational Studies, there are a total of 2 courses. For Under Graduate studies, B.Voc. (Automobile) and B.Voc. (Food Processing) are available for enrolment.
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