Agriculture Science and Technology
Animation and Films
Architecture and Planning
Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Business Finance and Commerce
Civil Services
Communications and Journalism
Computer Science
Defence Services
Education and Teaching
Fine Arts
Hospitality, Tourism and Catering
Integrated Courses
Management Studies
Medicine and Health Sciences
Online and Distance Education
Overseas and NRI Students - Study in India
Public Service Commission
Railways in India
Science and Mathematics
Sports Education
Vocational Studies
Business Analytics
Business Management
Digital Marketing
Disaster Management
Energy Environment
Healthcare and Hospital
Human Resource Management
Human Resources
Import Exports
Insurance and Risk Management
International Business
IT and Systems
Oil and Gas
Project Management
Public Policy
Sales and Marketing
Service Management
Supply Chain
Transport Logistics
Under Graduate
Post Graduate
Under Graduate Diploma
Post Graduate Diploma
Post Doctoral
High secondary
Adv. Dip. (Agri Input Marketing)
Adv. Dip. (Asset Management)
Adv. Dip. (Call Center Management)
Adv. Dip. (Co-operative Management)
Adv. Dip. (Communication Management)
Adv. Dip. (Compensation Management)
Adv. Dip. (Corporate Training)
Adv. Dip. (Corporate Valuation and Takeover)
Adv. Dip. (Cost Center Management)
Adv. Dip. (Customer Care Management)
Adv. Dip. (Customer Service Concepts)
Adv. Dip. (Foreign Exchange Management)
Adv. Dip. (General Management)
Adv. Dip. (Industrial Safety Management) (Distance Learning)
Adv. Dip. (Investment Management)
Adv. Dip. (Lean Six Sigma)
Adv. Dip. (Library Management)
Adv. Dip. (Maintenance Management)
Adv. Dip. (Management Decision Making)
Adv. Dip. (Managing Productivity in Apparel Industry)
Adv. Dip. (Mass Management)
Adv. Dip. (Media Management)
Adv. Dip. (Organization Behaviour)
Adv. Dip. (Performance Appraisal Management)
Adv. Dip. (Personnel Management)
Adv. Dip. (Purchasing Management)
Adv. Dip. (Six Sigma Quality Management)
Adv. Dip. (Stock Management)
Adv. Dip. (Taxation Management)
Adv. Dip. (Total Safety Management)
Adv. Dip. (WTO and Foreign Trade Policy)
Advanced Management Programme for Healthcare
B.A. (Hons.) (Fashion Business Management)
B.A. (Hons.) (Industrial Relation and Personal Management)
B.A. (Hons.) (Industrial Relations and Personnel Management)
B.A. (Industrial Relation and Personal Management)
Bachelor of Advertising Sales and Promotion Management
Bachelor of Airport Management
Bachelor of Heritage Management
Bachelor of Information Systems Management
BAM - MAM (Integrated)
BBA (Accounting and Information Systems) (Distance Learning)
BBA (Advertising and Public Relations Management)
BBA (Air Travel management)
BBA (Airline and Airport Management)
BBA (Airline and Airport Management) (Distance Learning)
BBA (Airport and Customer Care Management) (Distance Learning)
BBA (Airport Management)
BBA (Airport Management and Cabin Crew Training)
BBA (Analytics and Big Data)
BBA (Apparel Merchandising)
BBA (Aviation)
BBA (Aviation and Hospitality Management)
BBA (Aviation Management)
BBA (Banking)
BBA (Banking and Finance)
BBA (Banking) (Distance Learning)
BBA (Beauty, Personal Care and Salon Management)
BBA (Biotechnology)
BBA (Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Management)
BBA (Branding and Advertising)
BBA (Capital Markets)
BBA (Communication Management) (Advertising and Branding)
BBA (Communication Studies)
BBA (Computer Aided Management)
BBA (Computer Application) (Distance Learning)
BBA (Computer Science)
BBA (Corporate Accounting and Financial Analysis)
BBA (CSR and NGO Management)
BBA (Culinary Art)
BBA (Culinary Arts)
BBA (Customer Care Management) (Distance Learning)
BBA (Data Analytics and Visualization)
BBA (Design and Communication Management)
BBA (Design and Strategy Management)
BBA (E - Commerce)
BBA (Economics)
BBA (Event and Sport Management)
BBA (Event Management)
BBA (Event Management and Public Relation) (Distance Learning)
BBA (Event Management) (Distance Learning)
BBA (Events, PR and Corporate Communications)
BBA (Facilities and Hygiene Management)
BBA (Film and Media)
BBA (Film and Television)
BBA (Finance)
BBA (Finance and Accounting) (Distance Learning)
BBA (Finance and Accounts)
BBA (Finance) (Chartered Accountancy)
BBA (Finance) (Company Secretary)
BBA (Finance) (Distance Learning)
BBA (Financial Analysis and Services)
BBA (Financial Analysis and Services) (Distance Learning)
BBA (Financial Services and Certified Management Accountants)
BBA (Front Office and Customer Care Management) (Distance Learning)
BBA (Hardware) (Distance Learning)
BBA (Hons.) (Acturial Science)
BBA (Hons.) (Banking and Finance)
BBA (Hons.) (Customer Success)
BBA (Hons.) (Cyber Security)
BBA (Hons.) (Digital Security)
BBA (Hons.) (Entrepreneurship and Family Business)
BBA (Hons.) (Event Management)
BBA (Hons.) (Family Business)
BBA (Hons.) (Financial Technology)
BBA (Hons.) (Healthcare Management)
BBA (Hons.) (Hospitality Management)
BBA (Hons.) (Information Systems Management)
BBA (Hons.) (Real Estate and Urban Infrastructure)
BBA (Hons.) (Sports Management)
BBA (Hospitality and Facility Management)
BBA (Hospitality and Tourism)
BBA (Hospitality and Travel Tourism)
BBA (Hospitality Management)
BBA (Hotel and Tourism Management)
BBA (Hotel and Tourism Management) (Distance Learning)
BBA (Hotel Management)
BBA (Hotel Management, Catering Technology and Tourism)
BBA (Industrial and Construction Safety Management)
BBA (Industry Integrated)
BBA (International Accounting)
BBA (International Immersion)
BBA (International Relations)
BBA - Kcap
BBA (Labour Law and Social Welfare)
BBA (Law)
BBA (Liberal Arts)
BBA (Mass Media)
BBA (Media and Communication)
BBA (Media, Communication and Management)
BBA (Media, Entertainment and Management)
BBA (Media Management)
BBA (Media Management) (Distance Learning)
BBA (Networking) (Distance Learning)
BBA (New Media)
BBA (Office Administration)
BBA - PGD (Family Managed Business)
BBA (Pharmaceutical Management)
BBA (Pharmacy)
BBA (Ports and Terminal Management)
BBA (Power Management)
BBA (Public Relations)
BBA (Real Estate and Urban Infrastructure)
BBA (Real Estate Management)
BBA (Risk Management)
BBA (Security)
BBA (Shipping Administration) (Distance Learning)
BBA (Textile Business Analytics)
BBA (Tourism and Travel)
BBA (Twinning)
BCM (Distance Learning)
B.Com. (Computer Management)
B.Com. (Cooperative Management) (Distance Learning)
B.Com. (Customer Service Management) (Distance Learning)
B.Com. (Hons.) (Accounts and Management)
B.Des. - MBA (Fashion Design)
B.Des. - MBA (Fashion Management)
B.Des. - MBA (Interior Design)
B.E. (Chemical) - MBA (Integrated)
B.E. - MBA (Integrated)
BMS (Health, Spa and Resort)
BMS LL.B. (Hons.)
BMS (Pharmaceutical Management)
BMS (Rural Development)
B.Pharm. - MBA (Pharma Technology) (Integrated)
B.Sc. (Agribusiness Management)
B.Sc. (Agriculture) - MBA (Agri Business)
B.Sc. (Botany Model II Horticulture and Nursery Management)
B.Sc. (Critical Care Management)
B.Sc. (Environment and Water Management)
B.Sc. (Geology and Water Management Model III)
B.Sc. (Hons.) (Agriculture) - MBA (Agri Business Management)
B.Sc. (Hons.) (Business and Management)
B.Sc. (Hons.) (Business Management)
B.Sc. (Hons.) (Cooperation Banking and Management)
B.Sc. (Hons.) (Economics and Management)
B.Sc. (IT and Block Chain Technology)
B.Sc. - MBA (Hons.) (Biotechnology) (Dual Degree)
B.Sc. (Water Management)
B.Tech. (Electronics and Communication Engg.) - MBA (IT) (Dual Degree)
B.Tech. - MBA (Biotechnology) (Integrated)
B.Tech. - MBA (Civil Engg.) (Integrated)
B.Tech. - MBA (Computer Science)
B.Tech. - MBA (Computer Science and Engg.) (Integrated)
B.Tech. - MBA (Computer Science and Engg.) (Lateral Entry)
B.Tech. - MBA (Electrical Engg.) (Integrated)
B.Tech. - MBA (Electronics and Communication Engg.) (Integrated)
B.Tech. - MBA (Electronics and Communication Engg.) (Lateral Entry)
B.Tech. - MBA (Electronics and Computer Science)
B.Tech. - MBA (Electronics Engg.) (Integrated)
B.Tech. - MBA (Food and Biotechnology)
B.Tech. - MBA (Machine Design)
B.Tech. - MBA (Mechanical Engg.)
B.Tech. - MBA (Petroleum Engg.) (Integrated)
B.Tech. - MBA (Technology) (Integrated)
B.Tech. - M.Tech. / MBA (Biotechnology) (Integrated)
B.Tech. - M.Tech. / MBA (Civil Engg.) (Integrated)
B.Tech. - M.Tech. / MBA (Computer Science Engg.) (Integrated)
B.Tech. - M.Tech. / MBA (Electronics Engg.) (Integrated)
B.Tech. - M.Tech. / MBA (Mechanical Engg.) (Integrated)
B.Voc. (Banking and Financial Management)
B.Voc. (IT and Retail Management)
B.Voc. (Real Estate Management)
Cert. (Certificate in Executive Development)
Cert. (Customs Clearance Procedure and Practices)
Cert. (Customs Clearance Procedure and Practices) (Distance Learning)
Cert. (Destination Management)
Cert. (Family Management) (Distance Learning)
Cert. (Forestry wildlife management)
Cert. (Modern Office Management and Secretarial Practice) (Distance Learning)
Cert. (Personal Trainer and Gym Management)
Cert. (Research Methodology)
Cert. (Search Engine Marketing) (Distance Learning)
Cert. (Social Media and Content Marketing) (Distance Learning)
Cert. (Warehousing and Inventory Management) (Distance Learning)
Dip. (Academic Administration)
Dip. (Accommodation Management)
Dip. (Accommodation Management) (Distance Learning)
Dip. (Administratitive Management)
Dip. (Agricultural and Rural Management)
Dip. (Air and Sea Cargo Management)
Dip. (Airport and Airline Management)
Dip. (Apparel Product Management)
Dip. (Apparel Production Management)
Dip. (Apparel Quality Management)
Dip. (Aspects of Media, Marketing and Events)
Dip. (Asset Management)
Dip. (Audit Management)
Dip. (Aviation Management)
Dip. (Banking Management)
Dip. (Bar and Restaurant Management)
Dip. (Basic Industry and Aviation Industry Management)
Dip - BBA
Dip. (Boutique Management)
Dip. (BPO Management)
Dip. (Business Correspondent)
Dip. (Call Center Management)
Dip. (Capital Management)
Dip. (Co-operative Management) (Banking) (Distance Learning)
Dip. (Co-operative Management) (Distance Learning)
Dip. (Commercial Horticulture Management)
Dip. (Communication Management)
Dip. (Communication Skills) (Distance Learning)
Dip. (Compensation Management)
Dip. (Computer Management)
Dip. (Construction Management)
Dip. (Consumer Behaviour)
Dip. (Consumer Education) (Distance Learning)
Dip. (Cooperative Management)
Dip. (Corporate Law and Management)
Dip. (Corporate Training)
Dip. (Corporate Valuation And Takeover)
Dip. (Cost Center Management)
Dip. (Culinary Management)
Dip. (Customer Care Management)
Dip. (Customer Relationship Management)
Dip. (Customer Service Concepts)
Dip. (Customs Clearance and Forwarding)
Dip. (Customs Clearance and Forwarding) (Distance Learning)
Dip. (Cyber Law Management)
Dip. (Dairy Management)
Dip. (Drug Store Management)
Dip. (Event Management)
Dip. (Front Office and Accommodation Management)
Dip. (Front Office and Accommodation Management) (Distance Learning)
Dip. (Front Office Management)
Dip. (Front Office Management) (Distance Learning)
Dip. (General Management)
Dip. (General Management) (Distance learning)
Dip. (Global Business Environment)
Dip. (Global Luxury Brand Management)
Dip. (Herbal Cultivation Marketing and Management)
Dip. (Hospital Wards Management)
Dip. (IATA Harvard Leadership and Management)
Dip. (Industrial and Construction Safety Management)
Dip. (Innovation Management) (Distance Learning)
Dip. (Investment)
Dip. (Investment Management)
Dip. (Investment Management) (Distance Learning)
Dip. (Leadership Development)
Dip. (Lean Six Sigma)
Dip. (Library Management)
Dip. (Life Skills and Management)
Dip. (Management Decision Making)
Dip. (Management of Development and Welfare Services)
Dip. (Management of Intelligence and Security Terms)
Dip. (Management of Non-Governmental Organization)
Dip. (Managing Productivity in Apparel Industry)
Dip. (Mass Management)
Dip. (Material Management)
Dip. (Medical Sales Management)
Dip. (MICE Management)
Dip. (Micro Finance and Enterpreneurship)
Dip. (Modern Office Management)
Dip. (Modern Office Management and Secretarial Practice)
Dip. (Modern Office Practice)
Dip. (Modern Office Practice) (Distance Learning)
Dip. (Nursery Technology and Orchard Management)
Dip. (Office Management and Secretarial Practice)
Dip. (Office Management and Secretial Practice)
Dip. (Operation Management) (Distance Learning)
Dip. (Organization Behaviour)
Dip. (Port Development and Management)
Dip. (Purchasing Management)
Dip. (Quantity Surveying and Construction Management)
Dip. (School Management)
Dip. (School Management) (Distance Learning)
Dip. (Smart City Development and Management)
Dip. (Stock Management)
Dip. (Store Operrations Management)
Dip. (System Management)
Dip. (System Management) (Distance Learning)
Dip. (Talent Management) (Distance Learning)
Dip. (Temple Management)
Dip. (Total Safety Management)
D.Litt. / D.Sc. (Management)
D.Voc. (Agricultural Marketing and Management)
EMBA (Global Programme with Leadership Innovatio & Sustainability Focus)
EMBA (Product Leadership)
EPGD (Sports Management)
EPGP National management Programme
Executive MBA
Executive MBA (Aviation Management)
Executive PGD (Organisation Development and Change)
Executive PGDM
Executive Programme (Advance Corporate Finance)
Fellowship (Economics and Strategy)
Fellowship (Environmental Engineering and Management)
Fellowship (Manufacturing and Systems Management)
Fellowship (Marketing)
Fellowship (Operations and Supply Chain Management)
Fellowship (Pain Management)
Fellowship (Project Management)
Higher Dip. (Co - operative Management)
International. (Merchandising)
International PG (Luxury and Brand Management)
IPD (Interaction Design) - MBA (Information Systems)
LL.M. - M.B.A
M.A. (Art Management)
M.A. (Co-operative Management)
M.A. (Corporate Social Responsibility) (Distance Learning)
M.A. (Development Management)
M.A. (Heritage Management)
M.A. (Hons.) (Criminollogy Hospital Management and Tourism Leisure Management)
M.A. (Media Management)
M.A. (Organisation Development, Change and Leadership)
M.A. (Personnel Management and Industrial Relations)
M.A. (Personnel Management and Industrial Relations) (Distance Learning)
M.A. (Rural Development and Cooperative Management)
M.A. (Social Entrepreneurship)
M.A. (Social Management)
M.A.M. (Integrated)
Master of Applied Management
Master of Archaeology and Heritage Management
Master of Business Economics and Management
Master of Conservation, Preservation and Heritage Management
Master of Financial Technology
Master of General Management
Master of Global Financial Markets
Master of Human Resources Development Management
Master of Leadership Development
Master of Library Management
Master of Management Programme (Communication and Media Technology)
Master of Management Soft Skills
Master of Marketing Technology
Master of Police Management
Master of Strategy Management
Master of Technology Management
Masters in Corporate Communication Management
Masters in Innovation Management
MBA (Accounting and Finance) (Integrated)
MBA (Advertising and Public Relation Management)
MBA (Agri Business Management)
MBA (Agribusiness)
MBA (Agribusiness) (Integrated)
MBA (Agribusiness Management)
MBA (Agriculture)
MBA (Airline and Airport Management)
MBA (Airlines and Airport Management Programme)
MBA (Airport Management) (Integrated)
MBA (Apparel Merchandising)
MBA (Applied Management)
MBA (Applied Management) (Distance Learning)
MBA (Artificial Intelligence and Data Engg)
MBA (Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning)
MBA (Automobile Dealership Management)
MBA (Aviation and Safety Management)
MBA (Banking and Financial Analytics)
MBA (Banking and Insurance)
MBA (Banking and Wealth Management)
MBA (Banking, Finance and Allied Services)
MBA (Beauty, Personal Care and Salon Management)
MBA (Big Data Analytics)
MBA (Business Economics)
MBA (Business Intelligence and Data Analytics)
MBA (Business Management)
MBA (Business Sustainability)
MBA (Clinical Research)
MBA (Computer Management)
MBA (Computerized Financial Accounting)
MBA (Construction Management)
MBA (Consultancy Management)
MBA (Corporate Secretaryship)
MBA (Corporate Secretaryship) (Distance Learning)
MBA (CSR and NGO Management)
MBA (Culinary Arts)
MBA (Cyber Security
MBA (Cyber Security Management)
MBA (Dairy Management)
MBA (Data Science)
MBA (Defence Technology)
MBA (Design and Strategy Management)
MBA (Design Management)
MBA (Development and Sustainable Finance)
MBA (Development Management)
MBA (Digital Governance and Management)
MBA (Economics)
MBA (Educational Management)
MBA (Educational Management) (Distance Learning)
MBA (Electronics Business)
MBA (Engg. Management)
MBA (Enterprise Management)
MBA (Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Venture Development)
MBA (Environment and Solid Waste Management)
MBA (Environmental Management)
MBA (Event, Media and Entertainment with Wizcraft)
MBA (Executive) (Industrial Safety and Home Land Security Management)
MBA (Executive) (Technology Management)
MBA (Family and Welfare Planning Management)
MBA (Family Business and Entrepreneurship)
MBA (Family Managed Business and Entrepreneurship)
MBA (Fashion Design)
MBA (Fashion Design and Management)
MBA (Fashion Design and Technology Management)
MBA (Fashion Designing)
MBA (Fashion) (Distance Learning)
MBA (Fashion Management)
MBA (Fintech)
MBA (Fire Safety and Hazard Management)
MBA (Fisheries Enterprise Management)
MBA (Food Business)
MBA (Food Technology)
MBA (Forensic Accounting)
MBA (Forensic Accounting and Corporate Fraud)
MBA (Forestry Management)
MBA (Game Design)
MBA (Gems and Jewellery Skill based Entrepreneurship)
MBA (General Employability Skills)
MBA (Global)
MBA (Graphic Design)
MBA (Health Care Management)
MBA (Heritage Tourism Management)
MBA (Homeland Security)
MBA (Hospitality)
MBA (Hospitality and Tourism)
MBA (Hospitality and Tourism) (Integrated)
MBA (Hotel Management)
MBA (Hotel Management and Tourism)
MBA (Hotel Management) (Distance Learning)
MBA (Hotel Management) (Integrated)
MBA (Industrial Safety)
MBA (Industrial Safety and Home Land Security Management)
MBA (Industry Academia)
MBA (Industry integrated with Global Exposure)
MBA (Inflight Management)
MBA (Innovation and Sustainability)
MBA (Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Venture Development)
MBA (Innovation,Entrepreneurship and Venture Development)
MBA (Interior Design)
MBA (Interior Design and Management)
MBA (Interior Design and Technology Management)
MBA (International Accounting)
MBA (International Business) (Executive/LE)
MBA (International Hospitality Management)
MBA (International Hotel and Restaurant Management)
MBA (Islamic)
MBA (IT and Marketing)
MBA (IT and MIS)
MBA (Jewellery Design and Technology)
MBA (Knowledge Management and Real Estate Management)
MBA (Law)
MBA (Leadership and Strategy)
MBA (Leadership Development)
MBA (Leadership in Management)
MBA (Liquid Fund Management)
MBA (Luxury and Fashion Management)
MBA (Manufacturing)
MBA (Manufacturing) (Distance Learning)
MBA (Mass Communication)
MBA (Media and Communication)
MBA (Media and Entertainment)
MBA (Media Management)
MBA (Media Studies and Entertainment)
MBA (Natural Resources and Sustainable Management)
MBA (Operation Theatre)
MBA (Pharmaceutical Management)
MBA (Pharmaceutical Management) (Distance Learning)
MBA (Pharmaceuticals)
MBA ( Pharmacy Administration)
MBA (Plant and Machinery Valuation)
MBA (Port Management)
MBA (Power Management)
MBA (Power Management) (Distance Learning)
MBA (Power System)
MBA (Production) (Executive/LE)
MBA (Production Management)
MBA (Production Management) (Distance Learning)
MBA (Professional)
MBA (Professionals Executive)
MBA (Psychology)
MBA (Public Administration)
MBA (Public Service Management and E - Governance)
MBA (Quantitative Finance)
MBA (Quantity Surveying and Construction Economics)
MBA (Real Estate, Infrastructure and Smart Cities)
MBA (Real Estate Management)
MBA (Rural and Tribal Affairs Management)
MBA (Rural Development)
MBA (Rural Development and Management)
MBA (Rural Management)
MBA (Safety Management)
MBA (School Management)
MBA (School Management) (Integrated)
MBA (Shipping and Port Management)
MBA (Shipping and Port Management) (Distance Learning)
MBA (Social Media)
MBA (Social Work)
MBA (Software Testing Quality Management)
MBA (Sports Administration) (Distance Learning)
MBA (Sports and Fitness Management)
MBA (Sports Management)
MBA (Sports Management) (Distance Learning)
MBA (Sports Management International)
MBA (Start Up Management)
MBA (strategy)
MBA (Sustainable Development)
MBA (Sustainable Management)
MBA (Technical Textile Management)
MBA (Technology Management)
MBA (Technology Management) (Distance Learning)
MBA (Telecom and Marketing)
MBA (Textile Design)
MBA (Tourism Administration)
MBA (Tourism and Cargo)
MBA (Tourism and Hospitality)
MBA (Tourism and Hospitality) (Integrated)
MBA (Tourism and Hotel Management)
MBA (Tourism and Travel)
MBA (Tourism Management)
MBA (Tourism Management) (Distance Learning)
MBA (Tourism, Travel and Hospitality) (Integrated)
MBA (Trade Fair, Events and Convention Management)
MBA (Transportation Management)
MBA (Travel and Tourism Management) (Distance Learning)
MBA (Waste Management)
MBA (Yoga For Human Excellence) (Distance Learning)
M.Com. (Accounting and Management)
M.Com. (Finance and Management)
M.Com. (Rural Management)
M.Des. and MBA (Jewellery Design)
M.Des. - MBA (Animation)
M.Des. - MBA (Fashion Design)
M.Des. - MBA (Graphic Design)
M.Des. - MBA (Interior Design)
M.Des. - MBA (jewellery Design and Technology)
M.Des. - MBA (Textile design)
M.Des. - MBA (Textile Design and Technology)
MDS (Medicine)
M.E. Production Technology And Management
M.E. (Transportation Engg. and Management)
M.E. (Watershed Management and Flood Control)
Medical Records Management
MMS (Aviation Management)
MMS (Logistics and E - Commerce Management)
M.Pharm. (Pharmaceutics) - MBA (Pharmaceutical Management) (Dual Degree)
M.Pharm. (Pharmaceutics) - MBA (Pharmaceutical Management) (Integrated)
M.Phil. (Applied Management)
M.Phil. (Continuing Education Management)
M.Phil (Family Resource Management)
M.Phil. (Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management)
M.Phil. (Management and Business Studies)
M.Phil. (Management and Labour Studies)
M.Phil. (Management in the Global context)
M.Phil. (Natural Resource Management)
M.Phil. (Organizational behavior)
M.Phil. (Organizational Behaviour)
M.Phil. (Research Techniques and Management)
M.Phil. (Social Science and Management)
M.Plan. (Environmental Planning and Management)
MS (Aerospace Engg. and Management)
M.Sc. (Agribusiness Economics)
M.Sc. (Agrochemical and Pest Management)
M.Sc. (Computer Management)
M.Sc. (Cooperation Banking and Co-Operative Management)
M.Sc. (Data Science and Management)
M.Sc. (Environmental Science and Sustainable Management)
M.Sc. (Fish Pathology and Health Management)
M.Sc. (Fish Quality Assurance and Management)
M.Sc. (Fisheries Environment Management)
M.Sc. (Forest Ecology and Management)
M.Sc. (Home Science) (Family Resource Management)
M.Sc. (IT and System Management)
M.Sc. (Management Information Systems)
M.Sc. - Ph.D. (Critical Care Management)
M.Sc. - Ph.D. (Emergency Management)
M.Sc. (Plant and Herbal Resource Management)
M.Sc. (R) (Management Studies)
M.Sc. (Real Estate Management and Valuation)
M.Sc. (Resource Management)
M.Sc. (Strategic Management)
M.Sc. (Waste Management)
M.Sc. (Water and Flood Management)
M.Tech. (Energy Conservation and Management)
M.Tech. (Energy System Management)
M.Tech. (Health Safety and Environment Management)
M.Tech. (Information Security and Management)
M.Tech. (Manufacturing Engg. and Management)
M.Tech. (Manufacturing Systems and Management)
M.Voc. + PGDM (Integrated)
PD Cert. (Dialysis Medicine) (Distance Learning)
PDF (Management)
PDF (Management, Humanities and Social Sciences)
PDG (Management of Learning Disabilities)
PG Cert. (Management Accounting) (Distance Learning)
PG Programme in Advanced Construction Management
PGCM (Data Science and Financial Markets)
PGD (Accommodation Operation Management)
PGD (Accountancy with Computerized Account and Taxation)
PGD (Adv. Aquaculture Management)
PGD Adv. (Construction Management)
PGD (Advertisement Management)
PGD (Advertising and Brand Management) (Distance Learning)
PGD (Agricultural and Rural Management)
PGD (Agriculture and Rural Management)
PGD (Apparel Manufacturing and Merchandising Management)
PGD (Aviation Management)
PGD (Brand Management)
PGD (Co - operative Management)
PGD (Combat Intelligence Analysis and Management)
PGD (Community Development)
PGD (Composite Culture Management)
PGD (Computer Accountancy and Taxation)
PGD (Conferences and Convention Management)
PGD (Corporate Law and Management)
PGD (Corporate Social Responsibility) (Distance Learning)
PGD (Digital Library and Information Management)
PGD (Digital Library and knowledge Management)
PGD (Disability Rehabilitation Management)
PGD (Disaster and National Security Management)
PGD (Drug Store Management)
PGD (Dual Country Program)
PGD (E - Commerce)
PGD (E - Governance)
PGD (Educational Planning and Management)
PGD (Executive Business Administration)
PGD (Executive) (General Management)
PGD (Facilities and Contract Management)
PGD (Facilities Management)
PGD (Fashion Design and Management)
PGD (Fire Safety Management)
PGD (Forestry Management)
PGD (Front Office Management)
PGD (Global Destination Management)
PGD (Global Management)
PGD (Hospital Services and Management)
PGD (Industrial and Construction Safety Management)
PGD (Industrial and Fire Safety Management)
PGD (Industrial Management)
PGD (Industrial Safety and Environmental Management)
PGD (Industrial Safety Health and Environment)
PGD (Industrial Safety Management)
PGD (Industrial Safety Management) (Distance Learning)
PGD (Information Technology Management)
PGD (Infrastructure Management ) (Distance Learninig)
PGD (International Trade Management)
PGD (Internet TV, Content Management and Social Media Marketing)
PGD (Journalism and Media Management)
PGD (Jute Technology and Management )
PGD (Life Skills and Management)
PGD (Luxury Management)
PGD (Management of Family Owned Construction Business)
PGD (Management Of Voluntary Organizations) (Distance Learning)
PGD (Marketing and Sales)
PGD (Material Management)
PGD (Materials Management)
PGD (Materials Management) (Distance Learning)
PGD (Media Management)
PGD (Media Management) (Distance Management)
PGD (MEP Systems Management)
PGD (Modern Office Management)
PGD (Modern Office Management and Secretarial Practice)
PGD (Modern Office Practice)
PGD (Modern Office Practice English)
PGD (Modern Office Practice Hindi)
PGD (Museology and Heritage Management)
PGD (National Management)
PGD (NGO Administration and Rural Development) (Distance Learning)
PGD (NGO Management)
PGD (NGO Management) (Distance Learning)
PGD (Office Management and Secretarial Practice)
PGD (Organizational Development and Management of Change)
PGD (Personnel Management and Industrial Relations)
PGD (Personnel Management and Industrial Relations) (Distance Learning)
PGD (Personnel Management And Labour Welfare)
PGD (Personnel Management And Labour Welfare) (Distance Learning)
PGD (Personnel Management) (Distance Learning)
PGD (Petroleum Management - Executive)
PGD (Pharma Product Management)
PGD (Pharmaceutical Management)
PGD (Pharmaceutical Sales Management) (Distance Learning)
PGD (Plant Health Management)
PGD (Portfolio Management) (Distance Learning)
PGD (Power Management)
PGD (procurement Management)
PGD (Public Policy and Management)
PGD (Quality surveying and Commercial Management) (Distance Learning)
PGD (Quantity Surveying and Contract Management)
PGD (Rural Development and Management)
PGD (Rural Development Management)
PGD (Rural Management)
PGD (Rural Society and Management)
PGD (Secretarial Practice)
PGD (Security analysis and Portfolio Management)
PGD (Security Management)
PGD (Software Marketing)
PGD (Sustainable Management)
PGD (Technology Management)
PGD (Tribal Development Management) (Distance Learning)
PGD (Urban Environmental Management and Law)
PGD (Urban Planning and Management)
PGD (Urban Planning Design and Management)
PGD (Water Resources Management)
PGD (Water Science and Policy)
PGD (Wildlife Health Management)
PGD (Wound Care Management)
PGDM (Advertising Communication)
PGDM (Big Data Analytics)
PGDM (Biotechnology)
PGDM (Business Design and Innovation)
PGDM (Communications)
PGDM (Data Science)
PGDM (Development Studies)
PGDM (E-Business)
PGDM (Electric Vehicles)
PGDM (Engineering Management)
PGDM (Fashion Merchant Designing)
PGDM (Fire Safety and Security Management)
PGDM (Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Venture Development)
PGDM (Interior Design)
PGDM (Logistics Management)
PGDM (Media and Communication)
PGDM (Media and Entertainment)
PGDM (Project Managemt)
PGDM (Real Estate Management)
PGDM (Rural Management)
PGDM (System)
PGDM (Tricity)
PGP (Big Data Analytic and Optimization)
PGP Contemporary Smart City Development and Management
PGP (Development Management)
PGP (Executive)
PGP (Liberal Studies and Management)
PGP (Logistics)
PGP (Management and Leadership)
PGP (Management Flex)
PGP (Management for Executives)
PGP (Management For Family Business)
PGP Management of Family Owned Construction Business
PGP (Middle Management)
PGP (People Management)
PGP (Power) (Distance Learning)
PGP Quantity Surveying and Construction Management
PGP (Revenue Management)
PGP (Services Management)
PGP (Sports Management and Entrepreneurship)
PGP (Sustainable Management)
Ph.D. (Agricultural Economics and Management)
Ph.D. (Allied Inter-Disciplinary)
Ph.D. (Building Construction Management)
Ph.D. (Civil Engg. and Technology Management)
Ph.D. (Commerce and Business Management)
Ph.D. (CSR and NGO Management)
Ph.D. (Design and communication Management)
Ph.D. (Environment Management)
Ph.D. (Executive)
Ph.D. (Extension and Communication Management)
Ph.D. (Extension Education and Communication Management)
Ph.D. (Extension Education and Communication Management)
Ph.D. (Family Resources Management)
Ph.D. (Fashion Management)
Ph.D. (Fish Quality Assurance and Management
Ph.D. (Forest Management)
Ph.D. (Future Studies)
Ph.D. (Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management)
Ph.D. (Information Systems Management)
Ph.D. (Land Resource Management)
Ph.D. (Leadership and Strategy)
Ph.D. ( Logistics and Supply Chain Management)
Ph.D. (Management and Labour Studies)
Ph.D. (Management Economics)
Ph.D. (Management in the Global context)
Ph.D. (Management Strategy)
Ph.D. (Mangement and Business Studies)
Ph.D. (Media Management)
Ph.D. (Natural Resource Management)
Ph.D. (Organizational behavior)
Ph.D. (Organizational Behavior and HRM)
Ph.D. (Organizational Behaviour)
Ph.D. (Personnel management and Industrial Relations)
Ph.D. (Quality Assurance)
Ph.D. (Quantitative Method and Operations Management)
Ph.D. (Residential)
Ph.D. (Rural Management)
Ph.D. (Social Science and Management)
Ph.D (Strategic Management)
Ph.D. (Technology Management)
Ph.D (Water Engineering and Management)
Senior Management Programme
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Andhra Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh
Dadra and Nagar Haveli
Daman and Diu
Himachal Pradesh
Jammu and Kashmir
Madhya Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pradesh
West Bengal
Agriculture Science and Technology
Animation and Films
Architecture and Planning
Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Business Finance and Commerce
Civil Services
Communications and Journalism
Computer Science
Defence Services
Education and Teaching
Fine Arts
Hospitality, Tourism and Catering
Integrated Courses
Management Studies
Medicine and Health Sciences
Online and Distance Education
Overseas and NRI Students - Study in India
Public Service Commission
Railways in India
Science and Mathematics
Sports Education
Vocational Studies
Business Analytics
Business Management
Digital Marketing
Disaster Management
Energy Environment
Healthcare and Hospital
Human Resource Management
Human Resources
Import Exports
Insurance and Risk Management
International Business
IT and Systems
Oil and Gas
Project Management
Public Policy
Sales and Marketing
Service Management
Supply Chain
Transport Logistics
Under Graduate
Post Graduate
Under Graduate Diploma
Post Graduate Diploma
Post Doctoral
High secondary
Adv. Dip. (Agri Input Marketing)
Adv. Dip. (Asset Management)
Adv. Dip. (Call Center Management)
Adv. Dip. (Co-operative Management)
Adv. Dip. (Communication Management)
Adv. Dip. (Compensation Management)
Adv. Dip. (Corporate Training)
Adv. Dip. (Corporate Valuation and Takeover)
Adv. Dip. (Cost Center Management)
Adv. Dip. (Customer Care Management)
Adv. Dip. (Customer Service Concepts)
Adv. Dip. (Foreign Exchange Management)
Adv. Dip. (General Management)
Adv. Dip. (Industrial Safety Management) (Distance Learning)
Adv. Dip. (Investment Management)
Adv. Dip. (Lean Six Sigma)
Adv. Dip. (Library Management)
Adv. Dip. (Maintenance Management)
Adv. Dip. (Management Decision Making)
Adv. Dip. (Managing Productivity in Apparel Industry)
Adv. Dip. (Mass Management)
Adv. Dip. (Media Management)
Adv. Dip. (Organization Behaviour)
Adv. Dip. (Performance Appraisal Management)
Adv. Dip. (Personnel Management)
Adv. Dip. (Purchasing Management)
Adv. Dip. (Six Sigma Quality Management)
Adv. Dip. (Stock Management)
Adv. Dip. (Taxation Management)
Adv. Dip. (Total Safety Management)
Adv. Dip. (WTO and Foreign Trade Policy)
Advanced Management Programme for Healthcare
B.A. (Hons.) (Fashion Business Management)
B.A. (Hons.) (Industrial Relation and Personal Management)
B.A. (Hons.) (Industrial Relations and Personnel Management)
B.A. (Industrial Relation and Personal Management)
Bachelor of Advertising Sales and Promotion Management
Bachelor of Airport Management
Bachelor of Heritage Management
Bachelor of Information Systems Management
BAM - MAM (Integrated)
BBA (Accounting and Information Systems) (Distance Learning)
BBA (Advertising and Public Relations Management)
BBA (Air Travel management)
BBA (Airline and Airport Management)
BBA (Airline and Airport Management) (Distance Learning)
BBA (Airport and Customer Care Management) (Distance Learning)
BBA (Airport Management)
BBA (Airport Management and Cabin Crew Training)
BBA (Analytics and Big Data)
BBA (Apparel Merchandising)
BBA (Aviation)
BBA (Aviation and Hospitality Management)
BBA (Aviation Management)
BBA (Banking)
BBA (Banking and Finance)
BBA (Banking) (Distance Learning)
BBA (Beauty, Personal Care and Salon Management)
BBA (Biotechnology)
BBA (Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Management)
BBA (Branding and Advertising)
BBA (Capital Markets)
BBA (Communication Management) (Advertising and Branding)
BBA (Communication Studies)
BBA (Computer Aided Management)
BBA (Computer Application) (Distance Learning)
BBA (Computer Science)
BBA (Corporate Accounting and Financial Analysis)
BBA (CSR and NGO Management)
BBA (Culinary Art)
BBA (Culinary Arts)
BBA (Customer Care Management) (Distance Learning)
BBA (Data Analytics and Visualization)
BBA (Design and Communication Management)
BBA (Design and Strategy Management)
BBA (E - Commerce)
BBA (Economics)
BBA (Event and Sport Management)
BBA (Event Management)
BBA (Event Management and Public Relation) (Distance Learning)
BBA (Event Management) (Distance Learning)
BBA (Events, PR and Corporate Communications)
BBA (Facilities and Hygiene Management)
BBA (Film and Media)
BBA (Film and Television)
BBA (Finance)
BBA (Finance and Accounting) (Distance Learning)
BBA (Finance and Accounts)
BBA (Finance) (Chartered Accountancy)
BBA (Finance) (Company Secretary)
BBA (Finance) (Distance Learning)
BBA (Financial Analysis and Services)
BBA (Financial Analysis and Services) (Distance Learning)
BBA (Financial Services and Certified Management Accountants)
BBA (Front Office and Customer Care Management) (Distance Learning)
BBA (Hardware) (Distance Learning)
BBA (Hons.) (Acturial Science)
BBA (Hons.) (Banking and Finance)
BBA (Hons.) (Customer Success)
BBA (Hons.) (Cyber Security)
BBA (Hons.) (Digital Security)
BBA (Hons.) (Entrepreneurship and Family Business)
BBA (Hons.) (Event Management)
BBA (Hons.) (Family Business)
BBA (Hons.) (Financial Technology)
BBA (Hons.) (Healthcare Management)
BBA (Hons.) (Hospitality Management)
BBA (Hons.) (Information Systems Management)
BBA (Hons.) (Real Estate and Urban Infrastructure)
BBA (Hons.) (Sports Management)
BBA (Hospitality and Facility Management)
BBA (Hospitality and Tourism)
BBA (Hospitality and Travel Tourism)
BBA (Hospitality Management)
BBA (Hotel and Tourism Management)
BBA (Hotel and Tourism Management) (Distance Learning)
BBA (Hotel Management)
BBA (Hotel Management, Catering Technology and Tourism)
BBA (Industrial and Construction Safety Management)
BBA (Industry Integrated)
BBA (International Accounting)
BBA (International Immersion)
BBA (International Relations)
BBA - Kcap
BBA (Labour Law and Social Welfare)
BBA (Law)
BBA (Liberal Arts)
BBA (Mass Media)
BBA (Media and Communication)
BBA (Media, Communication and Management)
BBA (Media, Entertainment and Management)
BBA (Media Management)
BBA (Media Management) (Distance Learning)
BBA (Networking) (Distance Learning)
BBA (New Media)
BBA (Office Administration)
BBA - PGD (Family Managed Business)
BBA (Pharmaceutical Management)
BBA (Pharmacy)
BBA (Ports and Terminal Management)
BBA (Power Management)
BBA (Public Relations)
BBA (Real Estate and Urban Infrastructure)
BBA (Real Estate Management)
BBA (Risk Management)
BBA (Security)
BBA (Shipping Administration) (Distance Learning)
BBA (Textile Business Analytics)
BBA (Tourism and Travel)
BBA (Twinning)
BCM (Distance Learning)
B.Com. (Computer Management)
B.Com. (Cooperative Management) (Distance Learning)
B.Com. (Customer Service Management) (Distance Learning)
B.Com. (Hons.) (Accounts and Management)
B.Des. - MBA (Fashion Design)
B.Des. - MBA (Fashion Management)
B.Des. - MBA (Interior Design)
B.E. (Chemical) - MBA (Integrated)
B.E. - MBA (Integrated)
BMS (Health, Spa and Resort)
BMS LL.B. (Hons.)
BMS (Pharmaceutical Management)
BMS (Rural Development)
B.Pharm. - MBA (Pharma Technology) (Integrated)
B.Sc. (Agribusiness Management)
B.Sc. (Agriculture) - MBA (Agri Business)
B.Sc. (Botany Model II Horticulture and Nursery Management)
B.Sc. (Critical Care Management)
B.Sc. (Environment and Water Management)
B.Sc. (Geology and Water Management Model III)
B.Sc. (Hons.) (Agriculture) - MBA (Agri Business Management)
B.Sc. (Hons.) (Business and Management)
B.Sc. (Hons.) (Business Management)
B.Sc. (Hons.) (Cooperation Banking and Management)
B.Sc. (Hons.) (Economics and Management)
B.Sc. (IT and Block Chain Technology)
B.Sc. - MBA (Hons.) (Biotechnology) (Dual Degree)
B.Sc. (Water Management)
B.Tech. (Electronics and Communication Engg.) - MBA (IT) (Dual Degree)
B.Tech. - MBA (Biotechnology) (Integrated)
B.Tech. - MBA (Civil Engg.) (Integrated)
B.Tech. - MBA (Computer Science)
B.Tech. - MBA (Computer Science and Engg.) (Integrated)
B.Tech. - MBA (Computer Science and Engg.) (Lateral Entry)
B.Tech. - MBA (Electrical Engg.) (Integrated)
B.Tech. - MBA (Electronics and Communication Engg.) (Integrated)
B.Tech. - MBA (Electronics and Communication Engg.) (Lateral Entry)
B.Tech. - MBA (Electronics and Computer Science)
B.Tech. - MBA (Electronics Engg.) (Integrated)
B.Tech. - MBA (Food and Biotechnology)
B.Tech. - MBA (Machine Design)
B.Tech. - MBA (Mechanical Engg.)
B.Tech. - MBA (Petroleum Engg.) (Integrated)
B.Tech. - MBA (Technology) (Integrated)
B.Tech. - M.Tech. / MBA (Biotechnology) (Integrated)
B.Tech. - M.Tech. / MBA (Civil Engg.) (Integrated)
B.Tech. - M.Tech. / MBA (Computer Science Engg.) (Integrated)
B.Tech. - M.Tech. / MBA (Electronics Engg.) (Integrated)
B.Tech. - M.Tech. / MBA (Mechanical Engg.) (Integrated)
B.Voc. (Banking and Financial Management)
B.Voc. (IT and Retail Management)
B.Voc. (Real Estate Management)
Cert. (Certificate in Executive Development)
Cert. (Customs Clearance Procedure and Practices)
Cert. (Customs Clearance Procedure and Practices) (Distance Learning)
Cert. (Destination Management)
Cert. (Family Management) (Distance Learning)
Cert. (Forestry wildlife management)
Cert. (Modern Office Management and Secretarial Practice) (Distance Learning)
Cert. (Personal Trainer and Gym Management)
Cert. (Research Methodology)
Cert. (Search Engine Marketing) (Distance Learning)
Cert. (Social Media and Content Marketing) (Distance Learning)
Cert. (Warehousing and Inventory Management) (Distance Learning)
Dip. (Academic Administration)
Dip. (Accommodation Management)
Dip. (Accommodation Management) (Distance Learning)
Dip. (Administratitive Management)
Dip. (Agricultural and Rural Management)
Dip. (Air and Sea Cargo Management)
Dip. (Airport and Airline Management)
Dip. (Apparel Product Management)
Dip. (Apparel Production Management)
Dip. (Apparel Quality Management)
Dip. (Aspects of Media, Marketing and Events)
Dip. (Asset Management)
Dip. (Audit Management)
Dip. (Aviation Management)
Dip. (Banking Management)
Dip. (Bar and Restaurant Management)
Dip. (Basic Industry and Aviation Industry Management)
Dip - BBA
Dip. (Boutique Management)
Dip. (BPO Management)
Dip. (Business Correspondent)
Dip. (Call Center Management)
Dip. (Capital Management)
Dip. (Co-operative Management) (Banking) (Distance Learning)
Dip. (Co-operative Management) (Distance Learning)
Dip. (Commercial Horticulture Management)
Dip. (Communication Management)
Dip. (Communication Skills) (Distance Learning)
Dip. (Compensation Management)
Dip. (Computer Management)
Dip. (Construction Management)
Dip. (Consumer Behaviour)
Dip. (Consumer Education) (Distance Learning)
Dip. (Cooperative Management)
Dip. (Corporate Law and Management)
Dip. (Corporate Training)
Dip. (Corporate Valuation And Takeover)
Dip. (Cost Center Management)
Dip. (Culinary Management)
Dip. (Customer Care Management)
Dip. (Customer Relationship Management)
Dip. (Customer Service Concepts)
Dip. (Customs Clearance and Forwarding)
Dip. (Customs Clearance and Forwarding) (Distance Learning)
Dip. (Cyber Law Management)
Dip. (Dairy Management)
Dip. (Drug Store Management)
Dip. (Event Management)
Dip. (Front Office and Accommodation Management)
Dip. (Front Office and Accommodation Management) (Distance Learning)
Dip. (Front Office Management)
Dip. (Front Office Management) (Distance Learning)
Dip. (General Management)
Dip. (General Management) (Distance learning)
Dip. (Global Business Environment)
Dip. (Global Luxury Brand Management)
Dip. (Herbal Cultivation Marketing and Management)
Dip. (Hospital Wards Management)
Dip. (IATA Harvard Leadership and Management)
Dip. (Industrial and Construction Safety Management)
Dip. (Innovation Management) (Distance Learning)
Dip. (Investment)
Dip. (Investment Management)
Dip. (Investment Management) (Distance Learning)
Dip. (Leadership Development)
Dip. (Lean Six Sigma)
Dip. (Library Management)
Dip. (Life Skills and Management)
Dip. (Management Decision Making)
Dip. (Management of Development and Welfare Services)
Dip. (Management of Intelligence and Security Terms)
Dip. (Management of Non-Governmental Organization)
Dip. (Managing Productivity in Apparel Industry)
Dip. (Mass Management)
Dip. (Material Management)
Dip. (Medical Sales Management)
Dip. (MICE Management)
Dip. (Micro Finance and Enterpreneurship)
Dip. (Modern Office Management)
Dip. (Modern Office Management and Secretarial Practice)
Dip. (Modern Office Practice)
Dip. (Modern Office Practice) (Distance Learning)
Dip. (Nursery Technology and Orchard Management)
Dip. (Office Management and Secretarial Practice)
Dip. (Office Management and Secretial Practice)
Dip. (Operation Management) (Distance Learning)
Dip. (Organization Behaviour)
Dip. (Port Development and Management)
Dip. (Purchasing Management)
Dip. (Quantity Surveying and Construction Management)
Dip. (School Management)
Dip. (School Management) (Distance Learning)
Dip. (Smart City Development and Management)
Dip. (Stock Management)
Dip. (Store Operrations Management)
Dip. (System Management)
Dip. (System Management) (Distance Learning)
Dip. (Talent Management) (Distance Learning)
Dip. (Temple Management)
Dip. (Total Safety Management)
D.Litt. / D.Sc. (Management)
D.Voc. (Agricultural Marketing and Management)
EMBA (Global Programme with Leadership Innovatio & Sustainability Focus)
EMBA (Product Leadership)
EPGD (Sports Management)
EPGP National management Programme
Executive MBA
Executive MBA (Aviation Management)
Executive PGD (Organisation Development and Change)
Executive PGDM
Executive Programme (Advance Corporate Finance)
Fellowship (Economics and Strategy)
Fellowship (Environmental Engineering and Management)
Fellowship (Manufacturing and Systems Management)
Fellowship (Marketing)
Fellowship (Operations and Supply Chain Management)
Fellowship (Pain Management)
Fellowship (Project Management)
Higher Dip. (Co - operative Management)
International. (Merchandising)
International PG (Luxury and Brand Management)
IPD (Interaction Design) - MBA (Information Systems)
LL.M. - M.B.A
M.A. (Art Management)
M.A. (Co-operative Management)
M.A. (Corporate Social Responsibility) (Distance Learning)
M.A. (Development Management)
M.A. (Heritage Management)
M.A. (Hons.) (Criminollogy Hospital Management and Tourism Leisure Management)
M.A. (Media Management)
M.A. (Organisation Development, Change and Leadership)
M.A. (Personnel Management and Industrial Relations)
M.A. (Personnel Management and Industrial Relations) (Distance Learning)
M.A. (Rural Development and Cooperative Management)
M.A. (Social Entrepreneurship)
M.A. (Social Management)
M.A.M. (Integrated)
Master of Applied Management
Master of Archaeology and Heritage Management
Master of Business Economics and Management
Master of Conservation, Preservation and Heritage Management
Master of Financial Technology
Master of General Management
Master of Global Financial Markets
Master of Human Resources Development Management
Master of Leadership Development
Master of Library Management
Master of Management Programme (Communication and Media Technology)
Master of Management Soft Skills
Master of Marketing Technology
Master of Police Management
Master of Strategy Management
Master of Technology Management
Masters in Corporate Communication Management
Masters in Innovation Management
MBA (Accounting and Finance) (Integrated)
MBA (Advertising and Public Relation Management)
MBA (Agri Business Management)
MBA (Agribusiness)
MBA (Agribusiness) (Integrated)
MBA (Agribusiness Management)
MBA (Agriculture)
MBA (Airline and Airport Management)
MBA (Airlines and Airport Management Programme)
MBA (Airport Management) (Integrated)
MBA (Apparel Merchandising)
MBA (Applied Management)
MBA (Applied Management) (Distance Learning)
MBA (Artificial Intelligence and Data Engg)
MBA (Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning)
MBA (Automobile Dealership Management)
MBA (Aviation and Safety Management)
MBA (Banking and Financial Analytics)
MBA (Banking and Insurance)
MBA (Banking and Wealth Management)
MBA (Banking, Finance and Allied Services)
MBA (Beauty, Personal Care and Salon Management)
MBA (Big Data Analytics)
MBA (Business Economics)
MBA (Business Intelligence and Data Analytics)
MBA (Business Management)
MBA (Business Sustainability)
MBA (Clinical Research)
MBA (Computer Management)
MBA (Computerized Financial Accounting)
MBA (Construction Management)
MBA (Consultancy Management)
MBA (Corporate Secretaryship)
MBA (Corporate Secretaryship) (Distance Learning)
MBA (CSR and NGO Management)
MBA (Culinary Arts)
MBA (Cyber Security
MBA (Cyber Security Management)
MBA (Dairy Management)
MBA (Data Science)
MBA (Defence Technology)
MBA (Design and Strategy Management)
MBA (Design Management)
MBA (Development and Sustainable Finance)
MBA (Development Management)
MBA (Digital Governance and Management)
MBA (Economics)
MBA (Educational Management)
MBA (Educational Management) (Distance Learning)
MBA (Electronics Business)
MBA (Engg. Management)
MBA (Enterprise Management)
MBA (Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Venture Development)
MBA (Environment and Solid Waste Management)
MBA (Environmental Management)
MBA (Event, Media and Entertainment with Wizcraft)
MBA (Executive) (Industrial Safety and Home Land Security Management)
MBA (Executive) (Technology Management)
MBA (Family and Welfare Planning Management)
MBA (Family Business and Entrepreneurship)
MBA (Family Managed Business and Entrepreneurship)
MBA (Fashion Design)
MBA (Fashion Design and Management)
MBA (Fashion Design and Technology Management)
MBA (Fashion Designing)
MBA (Fashion) (Distance Learning)
MBA (Fashion Management)
MBA (Fintech)
MBA (Fire Safety and Hazard Management)
MBA (Fisheries Enterprise Management)
MBA (Food Business)
MBA (Food Technology)
MBA (Forensic Accounting)
MBA (Forensic Accounting and Corporate Fraud)
MBA (Forestry Management)
MBA (Game Design)
MBA (Gems and Jewellery Skill based Entrepreneurship)
MBA (General Employability Skills)
MBA (Global)
MBA (Graphic Design)
MBA (Health Care Management)
MBA (Heritage Tourism Management)
MBA (Homeland Security)
MBA (Hospitality)
MBA (Hospitality and Tourism)
MBA (Hospitality and Tourism) (Integrated)
MBA (Hotel Management)
MBA (Hotel Management and Tourism)
MBA (Hotel Management) (Distance Learning)
MBA (Hotel Management) (Integrated)
MBA (Industrial Safety)
MBA (Industrial Safety and Home Land Security Management)
MBA (Industry Academia)
MBA (Industry integrated with Global Exposure)
MBA (Inflight Management)
MBA (Innovation and Sustainability)
MBA (Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Venture Development)
MBA (Innovation,Entrepreneurship and Venture Development)
MBA (Interior Design)
MBA (Interior Design and Management)
MBA (Interior Design and Technology Management)
MBA (International Accounting)
MBA (International Business) (Executive/LE)
MBA (International Hospitality Management)
MBA (International Hotel and Restaurant Management)
MBA (Islamic)
MBA (IT and Marketing)
MBA (IT and MIS)
MBA (Jewellery Design and Technology)
MBA (Knowledge Management and Real Estate Management)
MBA (Law)
MBA (Leadership and Strategy)
MBA (Leadership Development)
MBA (Leadership in Management)
MBA (Liquid Fund Management)
MBA (Luxury and Fashion Management)
MBA (Manufacturing)
MBA (Manufacturing) (Distance Learning)
MBA (Mass Communication)
MBA (Media and Communication)
MBA (Media and Entertainment)
MBA (Media Management)
MBA (Media Studies and Entertainment)
MBA (Natural Resources and Sustainable Management)
MBA (Operation Theatre)
MBA (Pharmaceutical Management)
MBA (Pharmaceutical Management) (Distance Learning)
MBA (Pharmaceuticals)
MBA ( Pharmacy Administration)
MBA (Plant and Machinery Valuation)
MBA (Port Management)
MBA (Power Management)
MBA (Power Management) (Distance Learning)
MBA (Power System)
MBA (Production) (Executive/LE)
MBA (Production Management)
MBA (Production Management) (Distance Learning)
MBA (Professional)
MBA (Professionals Executive)
MBA (Psychology)
MBA (Public Administration)
MBA (Public Service Management and E - Governance)
MBA (Quantitative Finance)
MBA (Quantity Surveying and Construction Economics)
MBA (Real Estate, Infrastructure and Smart Cities)
MBA (Real Estate Management)
MBA (Rural and Tribal Affairs Management)
MBA (Rural Development)
MBA (Rural Development and Management)
MBA (Rural Management)
MBA (Safety Management)
MBA (School Management)
MBA (School Management) (Integrated)
MBA (Shipping and Port Management)
MBA (Shipping and Port Management) (Distance Learning)
MBA (Social Media)
MBA (Social Work)
MBA (Software Testing Quality Management)
MBA (Sports Administration) (Distance Learning)
MBA (Sports and Fitness Management)
MBA (Sports Management)
MBA (Sports Management) (Distance Learning)
MBA (Sports Management International)
MBA (Start Up Management)
MBA (strategy)
MBA (Sustainable Development)
MBA (Sustainable Management)
MBA (Technical Textile Management)
MBA (Technology Management)
MBA (Technology Management) (Distance Learning)
MBA (Telecom and Marketing)
MBA (Textile Design)
MBA (Tourism Administration)
MBA (Tourism and Cargo)
MBA (Tourism and Hospitality)
MBA (Tourism and Hospitality) (Integrated)
MBA (Tourism and Hotel Management)
MBA (Tourism and Travel)
MBA (Tourism Management)
MBA (Tourism Management) (Distance Learning)
MBA (Tourism, Travel and Hospitality) (Integrated)
MBA (Trade Fair, Events and Convention Management)
MBA (Transportation Management)
MBA (Travel and Tourism Management) (Distance Learning)
MBA (Waste Management)
MBA (Yoga For Human Excellence) (Distance Learning)
M.Com. (Accounting and Management)
M.Com. (Finance and Management)
M.Com. (Rural Management)
M.Des. and MBA (Jewellery Design)
M.Des. - MBA (Animation)
M.Des. - MBA (Fashion Design)
M.Des. - MBA (Graphic Design)
M.Des. - MBA (Interior Design)
M.Des. - MBA (jewellery Design and Technology)
M.Des. - MBA (Textile design)
M.Des. - MBA (Textile Design and Technology)
MDS (Medicine)
M.E. Production Technology And Management
M.E. (Transportation Engg. and Management)
M.E. (Watershed Management and Flood Control)
Medical Records Management
MMS (Aviation Management)
MMS (Logistics and E - Commerce Management)
M.Pharm. (Pharmaceutics) - MBA (Pharmaceutical Management) (Dual Degree)
M.Pharm. (Pharmaceutics) - MBA (Pharmaceutical Management) (Integrated)
M.Phil. (Applied Management)
M.Phil. (Continuing Education Management)
M.Phil (Family Resource Management)
M.Phil. (Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management)
M.Phil. (Management and Business Studies)
M.Phil. (Management and Labour Studies)
M.Phil. (Management in the Global context)
M.Phil. (Natural Resource Management)
M.Phil. (Organizational behavior)
M.Phil. (Organizational Behaviour)
M.Phil. (Research Techniques and Management)
M.Phil. (Social Science and Management)
M.Plan. (Environmental Planning and Management)
MS (Aerospace Engg. and Management)
M.Sc. (Agribusiness Economics)
M.Sc. (Agrochemical and Pest Management)
M.Sc. (Computer Management)
M.Sc. (Cooperation Banking and Co-Operative Management)
M.Sc. (Data Science and Management)
M.Sc. (Environmental Science and Sustainable Management)
M.Sc. (Fish Pathology and Health Management)
M.Sc. (Fish Quality Assurance and Management)
M.Sc. (Fisheries Environment Management)
M.Sc. (Forest Ecology and Management)
M.Sc. (Home Science) (Family Resource Management)
M.Sc. (IT and System Management)
M.Sc. (Management Information Systems)
M.Sc. - Ph.D. (Critical Care Management)
M.Sc. - Ph.D. (Emergency Management)
M.Sc. (Plant and Herbal Resource Management)
M.Sc. (R) (Management Studies)
M.Sc. (Real Estate Management and Valuation)
M.Sc. (Resource Management)
M.Sc. (Strategic Management)
M.Sc. (Waste Management)
M.Sc. (Water and Flood Management)
M.Tech. (Energy Conservation and Management)
M.Tech. (Energy System Management)
M.Tech. (Health Safety and Environment Management)
M.Tech. (Information Security and Management)
M.Tech. (Manufacturing Engg. and Management)
M.Tech. (Manufacturing Systems and Management)
M.Voc. + PGDM (Integrated)
PD Cert. (Dialysis Medicine) (Distance Learning)
PDF (Management)
PDF (Management, Humanities and Social Sciences)
PDG (Management of Learning Disabilities)
PG Cert. (Management Accounting) (Distance Learning)
PG Programme in Advanced Construction Management
PGCM (Data Science and Financial Markets)
PGD (Accommodation Operation Management)
PGD (Accountancy with Computerized Account and Taxation)
PGD (Adv. Aquaculture Management)
PGD Adv. (Construction Management)
PGD (Advertisement Management)
PGD (Advertising and Brand Management) (Distance Learning)
PGD (Agricultural and Rural Management)
PGD (Agriculture and Rural Management)
PGD (Apparel Manufacturing and Merchandising Management)
PGD (Aviation Management)
PGD (Brand Management)
PGD (Co - operative Management)
PGD (Combat Intelligence Analysis and Management)
PGD (Community Development)
PGD (Composite Culture Management)
PGD (Computer Accountancy and Taxation)
PGD (Conferences and Convention Management)
PGD (Corporate Law and Management)
PGD (Corporate Social Responsibility) (Distance Learning)
PGD (Digital Library and Information Management)
PGD (Digital Library and knowledge Management)
PGD (Disability Rehabilitation Management)
PGD (Disaster and National Security Management)
PGD (Drug Store Management)
PGD (Dual Country Program)
PGD (E - Commerce)
PGD (E - Governance)
PGD (Educational Planning and Management)
PGD (Executive Business Administration)
PGD (Executive) (General Management)
PGD (Facilities and Contract Management)
PGD (Facilities Management)
PGD (Fashion Design and Management)
PGD (Fire Safety Management)
PGD (Forestry Management)
PGD (Front Office Management)
PGD (Global Destination Management)
PGD (Global Management)
PGD (Hospital Services and Management)
PGD (Industrial and Construction Safety Management)
PGD (Industrial and Fire Safety Management)
PGD (Industrial Management)
PGD (Industrial Safety and Environmental Management)
PGD (Industrial Safety Health and Environment)
PGD (Industrial Safety Management)
PGD (Industrial Safety Management) (Distance Learning)
PGD (Information Technology Management)
PGD (Infrastructure Management ) (Distance Learninig)
PGD (International Trade Management)
PGD (Internet TV, Content Management and Social Media Marketing)
PGD (Journalism and Media Management)
PGD (Jute Technology and Management )
PGD (Life Skills and Management)
PGD (Luxury Management)
PGD (Management of Family Owned Construction Business)
PGD (Management Of Voluntary Organizations) (Distance Learning)
PGD (Marketing and Sales)
PGD (Material Management)
PGD (Materials Management)
PGD (Materials Management) (Distance Learning)
PGD (Media Management)
PGD (Media Management) (Distance Management)
PGD (MEP Systems Management)
PGD (Modern Office Management)
PGD (Modern Office Management and Secretarial Practice)
PGD (Modern Office Practice)
PGD (Modern Office Practice English)
PGD (Modern Office Practice Hindi)
PGD (Museology and Heritage Management)
PGD (National Management)
PGD (NGO Administration and Rural Development) (Distance Learning)
PGD (NGO Management)
PGD (NGO Management) (Distance Learning)
PGD (Office Management and Secretarial Practice)
PGD (Organizational Development and Management of Change)
PGD (Personnel Management and Industrial Relations)
PGD (Personnel Management and Industrial Relations) (Distance Learning)
PGD (Personnel Management And Labour Welfare)
PGD (Personnel Management And Labour Welfare) (Distance Learning)
PGD (Personnel Management) (Distance Learning)
PGD (Petroleum Management - Executive)
PGD (Pharma Product Management)
PGD (Pharmaceutical Management)
PGD (Pharmaceutical Sales Management) (Distance Learning)
PGD (Plant Health Management)
PGD (Portfolio Management) (Distance Learning)
PGD (Power Management)
PGD (procurement Management)
PGD (Public Policy and Management)
PGD (Quality surveying and Commercial Management) (Distance Learning)
PGD (Quantity Surveying and Contract Management)
PGD (Rural Development and Management)
PGD (Rural Development Management)
PGD (Rural Management)
PGD (Rural Society and Management)
PGD (Secretarial Practice)
PGD (Security analysis and Portfolio Management)
PGD (Security Management)
PGD (Software Marketing)
PGD (Sustainable Management)
PGD (Technology Management)
PGD (Tribal Development Management) (Distance Learning)
PGD (Urban Environmental Management and Law)
PGD (Urban Planning and Management)
PGD (Urban Planning Design and Management)
PGD (Water Resources Management)
PGD (Water Science and Policy)
PGD (Wildlife Health Management)
PGD (Wound Care Management)
PGDM (Advertising Communication)
PGDM (Big Data Analytics)
PGDM (Biotechnology)
PGDM (Business Design and Innovation)
PGDM (Communications)
PGDM (Data Science)
PGDM (Development Studies)
PGDM (E-Business)
PGDM (Electric Vehicles)
PGDM (Engineering Management)
PGDM (Fashion Merchant Designing)
PGDM (Fire Safety and Security Management)
PGDM (Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Venture Development)
PGDM (Interior Design)
PGDM (Logistics Management)
PGDM (Media and Communication)
PGDM (Media and Entertainment)
PGDM (Project Managemt)
PGDM (Real Estate Management)
PGDM (Rural Management)
PGDM (System)
PGDM (Tricity)
PGP (Big Data Analytic and Optimization)
PGP Contemporary Smart City Development and Management
PGP (Development Management)
PGP (Executive)
PGP (Liberal Studies and Management)
PGP (Logistics)
PGP (Management and Leadership)
PGP (Management Flex)
PGP (Management for Executives)
PGP (Management For Family Business)
PGP Management of Family Owned Construction Business
PGP (Middle Management)
PGP (People Management)
PGP (Power) (Distance Learning)
PGP Quantity Surveying and Construction Management
PGP (Revenue Management)
PGP (Services Management)
PGP (Sports Management and Entrepreneurship)
PGP (Sustainable Management)
Ph.D. (Agricultural Economics and Management)
Ph.D. (Allied Inter-Disciplinary)
Ph.D. (Building Construction Management)
Ph.D. (Civil Engg. and Technology Management)
Ph.D. (Commerce and Business Management)
Ph.D. (CSR and NGO Management)
Ph.D. (Design and communication Management)
Ph.D. (Environment Management)
Ph.D. (Executive)
Ph.D. (Extension and Communication Management)
Ph.D. (Extension Education and Communication Management)
Ph.D. (Extension Education and Communication Management)
Ph.D. (Family Resources Management)
Ph.D. (Fashion Management)
Ph.D. (Fish Quality Assurance and Management
Ph.D. (Forest Management)
Ph.D. (Future Studies)
Ph.D. (Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management)
Ph.D. (Information Systems Management)
Ph.D. (Land Resource Management)
Ph.D. (Leadership and Strategy)
Ph.D. ( Logistics and Supply Chain Management)
Ph.D. (Management and Labour Studies)
Ph.D. (Management Economics)
Ph.D. (Management in the Global context)
Ph.D. (Management Strategy)
Ph.D. (Mangement and Business Studies)
Ph.D. (Media Management)
Ph.D. (Natural Resource Management)
Ph.D. (Organizational behavior)
Ph.D. (Organizational Behavior and HRM)
Ph.D. (Organizational Behaviour)
Ph.D. (Personnel management and Industrial Relations)
Ph.D. (Quality Assurance)
Ph.D. (Quantitative Method and Operations Management)
Ph.D. (Residential)
Ph.D. (Rural Management)
Ph.D. (Social Science and Management)
Ph.D (Strategic Management)
Ph.D. (Technology Management)
Ph.D (Water Engineering and Management)
Senior Management Programme
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Andhra Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh
Dadra and Nagar Haveli
Daman and Diu
Himachal Pradesh
Jammu and Kashmir
Madhya Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pradesh
West Bengal
Total Records: 2
Email: Phone: +91-0612-2675283
Email: Mobile: +91-99997-88216