GIBS Business School: PGDM/BBA Applications Open Apply Now
Adv. Cert. (Financial Management) (Distance Learni... Advanced Certificate in F...
Adv. Cert. (Social Entrepreneurship) Advanced Certificate in S...
Adv. Cert. (Wealth Management) (Distance Learning) Advanced Certificate in W...
Adv. Dip. (Entrepreneurship Management) Advanced Diploma in Entre...
Adv. Dip. (Equity Research Management) Advanced Diploma in Equit...
Adv. Dip. (Financial Accounting) Advance Diploma in Financ...
Adv. Dip. (Mutual Fund Management) Advanced Diploma in Mutua...
Adv. Dip. (Sugar Chemical Control) Advanced Diploma in Sugar...
B.A. (Economics and Finance) Bachelor of Arts (Economi...
B.A. (Hons.) (Finance Entrepreneurship) Bachelor of Arts (Honours...
A.C. Kunhimon Haji Memorial ICA College, Thrissur
A.C. Kunhimon Haji Memori...
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AI Shifa College of Arts and Science, Malappuram
AI Shifa College of Arts ...
A.J. College of Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram
A.J. College of Science a...
Alphonsa College Thiruvambady, Kozhikode
Alphonsa College Thiruvam...
AMC Group of Educational Institutions, Ottapalam
AMC Group of Educational ...
Ansar Womens College, Thrissur
Ansar Womens College, Thr...
Aspire College of Advanced Studies, Palakkad
Aspire College of Advance...
Assabah Arts and Science College, Malappuram
Assabah Arts and Science ...
A.V. Abdurahiman Haji Arts and Science College, Kozhikode
A.V. Abdurahiman Haji Art...
Baithul Izza Arts and Science College, Kozhikode
Baithul Izza Arts and Sci...
BaithulIzza Arts and Science College, Kozhikode
BaithulIzza Arts and Scie...
Bharathamatha College of Arts and Science, Palakkad
Bharathamatha College of ...
Blossom Arts and Science College, Malappuram
Blossom Arts and Science ...
Cherpulassery College of Science and Technology, Palakkad
Cherpulassery College of ...
Christ College, Thiruvananthapuram
Christ College, Thiruvana...
C.K Nair Arts and Management College, Kasaragod
C.K Nair Arts and Managem...
C.K.G. Memorial Government College Perambra, Kozhikode
C.K.G. Memorial Governmen...
College of Applied Science, Alappuzha
College of Applied Scienc...
College of Applied Science Vadakkencherry, Palakkad
College of Applied Sciences (IHRD) Karthikappally, Alappuzha
Team Lease Skills University, Vadodara
Team Lease Skills Univers...
Xavier University, Bhubaneswar
Xavier University, Bhuban...
March 12, 2025
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