Browse by Category



Browse by Type



Browse by Stream

Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences X

Agriculture Science and Technology

Animation and Films

Architecture and Planning

Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences


Business Finance and Commerce

Civil Services

Communications and Journalism

Computer Science

Defence Services


Education and Teaching


Fine Arts

Hospitality, Tourism and Catering

Integrated Courses


Management Studies

Medicine and Health Sciences

Online and Distance Education

Overseas and NRI Students - Study in India

Public Service Commission

Railways in India


Science and Mathematics

Sports Education

Vocational Studies

Browse by Sub Stream

Languages X



Defence and Strategic Studies











Political Science



Public Administration

Religious Studies

Social Work





Browse by Degree

Under Graduate

Post Graduate


Under Graduate Diploma

Post Graduate Diploma

Post Doctoral



High secondary


Browse by Course

M.Phil. (Hindi) X

Acharya in Navya Vyakarana

Acharya in Vyakaran

Adv. Crt. (Proficiency English)

Adv. Dip. (Applied Linguistics)

Adv. Dip. (Bulgarian Language)

Adv. Dip. (Chinese)

Adv. Dip. (Croatian Language)

Adv. Dip. (Czech Language)

Adv. Dip. (English Language)

Adv. Dip. (French)

Adv. Dip. (German)

Adv. Dip. (Hungarian Language)

Adv. Dip. ( Intensive Bulgarian Language)

Adv. Dip. (Intensive Portuguese Language)

Adv. Dip. (Intensive Russian Language)

Adv. Dip. (Japanese)

Adv. Dip. (Mass Media in Urdu)

Adv. Dip. (Modern Arabic)

Adv. Dip. (Modern Arabic Language Translation)

Adv. Dip. (Modern Persian)

Adv. Dip. (Pashto)

Adv. Dip. (Persian)

Adv. Dip. (Polish Language)

Adv. Dip. (Professional Arabic)

Adv. Dip. (Pushto)

Adv. Dip. (Russian)

Adv. Dip. (Russian Language)

Adv. Dip. (Russian Language and Literature)

Adv. Dip. (Sanskrit)

Adv. Dip. (Serbian Language)

Adv. Dip. (Slovak Language)

Adv. Dip. (Spanish Language)

Adv. Dip. (Urdu)

B. A. (Tamil) (Computer Applications)

B.A. (Additional English) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Additional Hindi Literature)

B.A. (Additional Sanskrit) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Additional Urdu) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Afsal Ul Ulama)

B.A. (Afsal Ul Ulama) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Applied Tamil) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Arabic)

B.A. (Arabic) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Arabic Language and Literature)

B.A. (Assamese)

B.A. (Assamese) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Bengali)

B.A. (Chinese)

B.A. (Communicative English Model III Double Main)

B.A. (English)

B.A. (English and Communication)

B.A. (English and Communication) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (English and History)

B.A. (English) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (English) (Integrated)

B.A. (English Language and Literature)

B.A. (English Language and Literature - Model II)

B.A. (English Literature) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Foreign Language)

B.A. (Foreign Language and Intercultural Studies)

B.A. (French)

B.A. (French) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (French Language and Literature)

B.A. (Functional English)

B.A. (Functional English) (Vocational)

B.A. (Functional Sanskrit)

B.A. (Functional Tamil)

B.A. (German)

B.A. (Gujarati)

B.A. (Gujarati) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Hindi)

B.A. (Hindi) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Hindi Language and Literature Model II Functional Hindi)

B.A. (Hindi Literature) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Hons.) (Arabic)

B.A. (Hons) (Assamese)

B.A. (Hons) - B.Ed. (Sanskrit)

B.A. (Hons.) (Bengali)

B.A. (Hons.) (Chinese)

B.A. (Hons.) (Communicative English)

B.A. (Hons.) (English)

B.A. (Hons.) (English and Economics)

B.A. (Hons.) (English and Foreign Languages)

B.A. (Hons.) (English) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Hons.) (English Language and Literature)

B.A. (Hons.) (Farsi)

B.A. (Hons.) (French)

B.A. (Hons.) (French and Francophone Studies)

B.A. (Hons.) (Functional English)

B.A. (Hons.) (Functional Hindi)

B.A. (Hons.) (German)

B.A. (Hons.) (German Studies)

B.A. (Hons.) (Hindi)

B.A. (Hons.) (Hindi) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Hons.) (Italian)

B.A. (Hons.) (Journalism, English and Political Science)

B.A. (Hons.) (Korean)

B.A. (Hons.) (Languages)

B.A. (Hons.) - M.A. (Chinese) (Integrated)

B.A. (Hons.) - M.A. (English)

B.A. (Hons.) - M.A. (French) (Integrated)

B.A. (Hons.) - M.A. (Greman) (Integrated)

B.A. (Hons.) - M.A. (Japanese) (Integrated)

B.A. (Hons.) - M.A. (Spanish) (Integrated)

B.A. (Hons.) (Maithili)

B.A. (Hons.) (Malayalam Language and Literature)

B.A. (Hons) (Manipuri)

B.A. (Hons.) (Marathi)

B.A. (Hons) (Nepali)

B.A. (Hons.) (Odia)

B.A. (Hons.) (Odia) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Hons.) (Oriya)

B.A. (Hons.) (Pali)

B.A. (Hons.) (Pashto)

B.A. (Hons.) (Persian)

B.A. (Hons.) (Prakrit)

B.A. (Hons.) (Punjabi)

B.A. (Hons.) (Pushto)

B.A. (Hons.) (Russian)

B.A. (Hons.) (Sanskrit)

B.A. Hons (Santali)

B.A. (Hons.) (Shastri)

B.A. (Hons.) (Spanish)

B.A. (Hons.) (Spanish and Latin American Studies)

B.A. (Hons.) (Spanish) (Research)

B.A. (Hons.) (Turkish Language and Literature)

B.A. (Hons.) (Urdu)

B.A. (Hons.) (Urdu) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Islamic Studies)

B.A. (Islamic Studies) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Japanese)

B.A. (Kokborok Language)

B.A. (Language and Literature)

B.A. (Linguistics)

B.A. - M.A. (Bengali) (Integrated)

B.A. - M.A. (English) (Integrated)

B.A. - M.A. (Hons.) (German) (Integrated)

B.A. - M.A. (Pali) (Integrated)

B.A. - M.A. (Sanskrit) (Integrated)

B.A. (Maithili)

B.A. (Malayalam)

B.A. (Malayalam) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Malayalam Literature)

B.A. (Marathi)

B.A. (Marathi) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Mizo)

B.A. (Modern Arabic) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Nepali)

B.A. (Odia)

B.A. (Persian)

B.A. Portuguese

B.A. (Pracheen Vyakarana)

B.A. (Prakrit)

B.A. (Prayojanmoolak Hindi)

B.A. (Punjabi)

B.A. (Punjabi) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Sanskrit)

B.A. (Sanskrit and Information Technology)

B.A. (Sanskrit) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Sanskrit) (Nyaya)

B.A. (Sanskrit) (Vedanta)

B.A. (Sanskrit) (Vyakarana)

B.A. (Shastri)

B.A. (Shastri) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Spanish)

B.A. (Tamil)

B.A. (Tamil) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Tamil Language and Literature Model I)

B.A. (Tamil Literature)

B.A. (Tamil Literature) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Telugu)

B.A. (Telugu) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Urdu)

B.A. (Urdu) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Vedanta and Vyakarana)

B.A. (Vyakarana)

Bachelor of English

Bachelor of Functional English

Bachelor of Islamic Studies

Bachelor of Oriental Learning

Bachelor of Sanskrit Shastri

Bachelor of Yog Shastri

B.Com. (Gujarati Medium)

B.Com. (Hons.) (English)

B.Ed. (English)

B.Ed. (Gujarati)

B.Ed. (Hindi)

B.Ed. (Sanskrit)

B.Ed. (Tamil)

B.Lit. (Tamil)

B.Litt. (Tamil) (Distance Learning)

B.Voc. (Malayalam and Manuscript Management)

Cert. (Afsal - Ul - Ulama) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Aphabhramsha)

Cert. (Arabic)

Cert. (Arabic) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Bengali)

Cert. (Bhojpuri Language) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Chinese)

Cert. (Communicative English)

Cert. (Communicative English) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Conversational English)

Cert. (English)

Cert. (English Improvement)

Cert. (English Language and Life Skills)

Cert. (Finnish Language)

Cert. (French)

Cert. (French) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (French, German and Russian Languages)

Cert. (Functional English)

Cert. (Functional English) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (German)

Cert. (German) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Hindi)

Cert. (Italian)

Cert. (Kannada)

Cert. (Kannada) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Kashmiri) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Kazhaki)

Cert. (Korean Language)

Cert. (Magahi Language) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Maithili Language) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Modern Arabic Language and Translation)

Cert. (Modern Persian)

Cert. (Modern Telugu) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Pali)

Cert. (Pali Language) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Pashto Language)

Cert. (Persian)

Cert. (Portuguese Language)

Cert. (Prakrit) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Prakrit Language)

Cert. (Prakrit Language) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Proficiency in Russian)

Cert. (Proficiency in Urdu through English (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Proficiency in Urdu through Hindi) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Rajasthani Language and Culture) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Russian) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Russian Language)

Cert. (Sanskrit)

Cert. (Sanskrit) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Sanskrit Language)

Cert. (Spanish)

Cert. (Spanish Language) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Swedish Language)

Cert. (Tamil)

Cert. (Teaching English)

Cert. (Teaching of English as a Second Language)

Cert. (Teaching of English as a Second Language) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Teaching of English) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Tibetan)

Cert. (Translation) (English - Odia) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Translation Proficiency in English)

Cert. Translation (Punjabi)

Cert. (Turkemenian)

Cert. (Urdu)

Cert. (Urdu) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Urdu Language)

Cert. (Uzbek)

D.Ed. (Urdu)

Dip. (Arabic)

Dip. (Bengali)

Dip. (Bhasha Indonesia)

Dip. (Bulgarian Language)

Dip. (Chinese Language)

Dip. (Communicative and Functional English) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (Communicative English)

Dip. (Communicative English) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (Conversational English)

Dip. (Creative Writing in English)

Dip. (Creative Writing in English) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (Creative Writing in Hindi) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (Croatian Language)

Dip. (Czech Language)

Dip. (English)

Dip. (English Communication Skills)

Dip. (English Language Skills) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (English Language Teaching)

Dip. (English language Teaching) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (English Proficiency)

Dip. (Foreign Language Education)

Dip. (French)

Dip. (French) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (French Language)

Dip. (Functional Arabic)

Dip. (Functional Arabic) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (Functional English)

Dip. (Functional Hindi and Translation) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (Functional Persian)

Dip. (German)

Dip. (German and French Languages)

Dip. (German) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (German, French and Russian Languages)

Dip. (German Language)

Dip. (Hindi)

Dip. (Hungarian Language)

Dip. (Islamic Studies)

Dip. (Italian Language)

Dip. (Japanese)

Dip. (Kannada)

Dip. (Kannada) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (Karmakand)

Dip. (Kashmiri)

Dip. (Kazhaki)

Dip. (Kokborok Language)

Dip. (korean Language)

Dip. (Language)

Dip. (Literature) (Modern European Languages)

Dip. (Malayalam)

Dip. (Malayalam Language) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (Marathi)

Dip. (Modern Arabic)

Dip. (Modern Arabic Language and Translation)

Dip. (Modern Persian)

Dip. (Odia Language and Communication) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (Pali)

Dip. (Pali Language and Literature)

Dip. (Pashto Language)

Dip. (Persian)

Dip. (Persian) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (Polish Language)

Dip. (Portuguese)

Dip. (Prakrit Language) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (Proficiency French)

Dip. (Punjabi)

Dip. (Punjabi) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (Rajbhasha Studies)

Dip. (Russian)

Dip. (Sanskrit) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (Sanskrit Language)

Dip. (Sanskrit Learning)

Dip. (Sanskrit Teaching)

Dip. (Santhali)

Dip. (Serbian)

Dip. (Sign Language Interpreter)

Dip. (Sinhalese)

Dip. (Slovak)

Dip. (Spanish Language)

Dip. (Spoken and Written English)

Dip. (Swahili Language)

Dip. (Tamil)

Dip. (Teaching German as a Foreign Language)

Dip. (Teaching German as a Foreign Language) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (Telugu)

Dip. (Telugu Language) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (Thai)

Dip. (Tibetan)

Dip. (Tibetan Language and Literature)

Dip. (Tulu)

Dip. (Turkemenian)

Dip. (Turkish) (Part Time)

Dip. (Urdu) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (Uzbek)

D.Litt. (Arabic)

D.Litt. (Bengali)

D.Litt. (English)

D.Litt. (Hindi)

D.Litt. (Manipuri)

D.Litt. (Odia)

D.Litt. (Prakrit and Sanskrit)

D.Litt. (Prakrit, Sanskrit and Hindi)

D.Litt. (Sanskrit)

Higher Dip. (Ardhamagadhi)

Higher Dip. (Pali)

Higher Dip. (Sanskrit)


Intensive Dip. (Chinese Language)

Junior Dip. (French)

Junior Dip. (German)

Junior Dip. (Modern Arabic)

Junior Dip. (Persian)

Junior Dip. (Russian)

Lower Dip. (Ardhamagadhi)

Lower Dip. (Pali)

Lower Dip. (Sanskrit)

M.A. (Afsal-Ul-Ulama)

M.A. (Anthropological Linguistics and Punjabi Language)

M.A. (Applied Sanskrit)

M.A. (Arabic)

M.A. (Arabic and Persian)

M.A. (Arabic) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Arabic Language and Literature)

M.A. (Ardhamagadhi)

M.A. (Assamese)

M.A. (Assamese) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Bengali)

M.A. (Bengali) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Bhojpuri)

M.A. (Bhojpuri) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Buddhist and Tibetian Studies)

M.A. (Chinese)

M.A. (Classical Tamil Studies)

M.A. (Dogri)

M.A. (Dogri) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (English)

M.A. (English and Comparative Literary Studies)

M.A. (English and Comparative Literature)

M.A. (English and Foreign Languages)

M.A. (English and Sanskrit)

M.A. (English) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (English) (Integrated)

M.A. (English Language)

M.A. (English Language and linguistics) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (English Language and Literature)

M.A. (English Language and Literature) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (English Language) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (English Language Teaching)

M.A. (English Literature and Language)

M.A. (English) (Online)

M.A. (European Studies)

M.A. (French)

M.A. (French and Francophone Studies)

M.A. (French) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (French Language and Literature)

M.A. (Functional English) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (German)

M.A. (German Language and Literature)

M.A. (German Studies)

M.A. (German Translation)

M.A. (Greek)

M.A. (Gujarati)

M.A. (Gujarati) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Hebrew)

M.A. (Hindi)

M.A. (Hindi and Bhasha Vigyan)

M.A. (Hindi) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Hindi Language and Literature)

M.A. (Hispanic Language and Literature)

M.A. (History Malayalam) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Hons.) (Bengali)

M.A. (Hons.) (English)

M.A. (Hons.) (French)

M.A. (Hons.) (Hindi)

M.A. (Hons.) (Odia)

M.A. (Hons.) (Punjabi)

M.A. (Hons.) (Sanskrit)

M.A. (Indian languages)

M.A. (Italian)

M.A. (Japanese Language)

M.A. (Kannada)

M.A. (Kannada and Janapad)

M.A. (Kannada) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Khasi)

M.A. (Kokborok Language)

M.A. Konkani

M.A. (Korean Language and Literature)

M.A. (Language of Advertising Media And Market)

M.A. (Language Sciences) (Integrated)

M.A. (Language Technology)

M.A. (Latin)

M.A. (Linguistics and Endangered Languages)

M.A. (Linguistics and Language Technology)

M.A. (Linguistics and Tribal Languages)

M.A. (Magahi)

M.A. (Magahi) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Malayalam)

M.A. (Malayalam Creative Writing)

M.A. (Malayalam) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Malayalam) (Integrated)

M.A. (Malayalam Language and Literature)

M.A. (Malayalam Literature)

M.A. (Manipuri)

M.A. (Marathi)

M.A. (Marathi) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Mathili)

M.A. (Mizo)

M.A. (Modern Arabic) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Navya Vyakarana)

M.A. (Nepali)

M.A. (Nepali) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Odia)

M.A. (Odia) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Oriya)

M.A. (Pali)

M.A. (Pali and Buddhist Studies)

M.A. (Panjabi) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Pashto)

M.A. (Persian)

M.A. - Ph.D. (Bengali) (Integrated)

M.A. - Ph.D. (English) (Integrated)

M.A. - Ph.D. (English Language and Literature) (Integrated)

M.A. - Ph.D. (Kannada Literature) (Integrated)

M.A. - Ph.D. (Sanskrit) (Integrated)

M.A. Portuguese

M.A. (Pracheen Vyakarana)

M.A. (Prakrit)

M.A. (Prakrit Literature)

M.A. (Prayojanmoolak Hindi) (Patrakarita)

M.A. (Prayojanmulak Hindi)

M.A. (Punjabi)

M.A. (Punjabi) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Punjabi) (Integrated)

M.A. (Rajasthan Language, Literature and Culture)

M.A. (Rajasthani)

M.A. (Rajasthani) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Regional Language)

M.A. (Russian)

M.A. (Russian Language and Literature)

M.A. (Russian Philology)

M.A. (Sankirtana)

M.A. (Sanskrit)

M.A. (Sanskrit and Culture)

M.A. (Sanskrit and Lexicography)

M.A. (Sanskrit) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Sanskrit General Language and Literature)

M.A. (Sanskrit) (Integrated)

M.A. (Sanskrit Language and Literature)

M.A. (Sanskrit) (Nyaya)

M.A. (Sanskrit) (Sahitya)

M.A. (Sanskrit) (Vedanta)

M.A. (Sanskrit Vedic Vangmaya)

M.A. (Sanskrit) (Vyakarana)

M.A. (Santali)

M.A. (Sindhi)

M.A. (Spanish)

M.A. (Tamil)

M.A. (Tamil) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Tamil Language and Literature)

M.A. (Tamil Studies)

M.A. (Teaching of English as a Second Language)

M.A. (Telgu)

M.A. (Telgu) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Telugu)

M.A. (Telugu) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Telugu Language, Literature and Translation)

M.A. (Telugu Language, Literature and Translation) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Thang -Ta)

M.A. (Tulu)

M.A. (Umang lai Haraoba)

M.A. (Urdu)

M.A. (Urdu and Persian)

M.A. (Urdu) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Vyakarana)

M.A. (Vyakarana and Yoga)

Master in English (Distance Learning)

Master in Hindi (Distance Learning)

Master of Informatics and Language Engg

Master of Languages and Haryanvi Culture

Master of Oriental Learning

Master of Persian

Masters in English

M.Ed. (Arabic)

M.Ed. (English)

M.Ed. (Hindi)

M.Ed. (Malayalam)

M.Ed. (Sanskrit)

M.Phil. (Applied Sanskrit)

M.Phil. (Arabic)

M.Phil. (Assamese)

M.Phil. (Bengali)

M.Phil. (Bulgarian Language)

M.Phil. (Dogri)

M.Phil. (English)

M.Phil. (English and Comparative Literary Studies)

M.phil. (English and Foreign Languages)

M.Phil. (English and Sanskrit)

M.Phil. (English) (Distance Learning)

M.Phil. (English Language Studies)

M.Phil. (English Language Teaching)

M.Phil. (French)

M.Phil. (German)

M.Phil. (Gujarati)

M.Phil. (Hindi)

M.phil. (Hindi and Bhasha Vigyan)

M.Phil. (Hindi Translation)

M.Phil. (Indian Diaspora and Migration Studies)

M.Phil. (Indo Pacific Studies)

M.Phil. (Italian)

M.Phil. (Kannada)

M.Phil. (Kannada, Kalaburagi)

M.Phil. (Kannada Language Studies)

M.Phil. (Kashi)

M.Phil. (Khasi)

M.Phil. (Language technology)

M.Phil. (Malayalam)

M.Phil. (Manipuri)

M.Phil. (Marathi)

M.Phil. (MIzo)

M.Phil. (Modern Indian Languages and Literary Studies)

M.phil. (Navya Vyakarana)

M.Phil. Nepali

M.Phil. (Odia)

M.Phil. (Oriya)

M.Phil. (Pali)

M.Phil. (Pali and Buddhism)

M.Phil. (Persian)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (Arabic) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (Chinese) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (English) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (French) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (German) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (Hindi) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (Hindi Translation) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (Indo Pacific Studies) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (Japanese) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (Korean) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (Linguistics) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (Persian) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (Russian and Central Asian Studies) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (Russian) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (Sanskrit) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (Spanish) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (Tamil) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (Urdu) (Integrated)

M.Phil. (Portuguese)

M.Phil. (Prakrit)

M.Phil. (Punjabi)

M.Phil. (Rajasthani)

M.Phil. (Russian and Central Asian Studies)

M.Phil. (Russian Language)

M.Phil. (Sanskrit)

M.Phil. (Sanskrit and Lexicography)

M.Phil. (Sanskrit and Pali)

M.Phil. (Sanskrit) (Nyaya)

M.Phil. (Sanskrit) (Vedanta)

M.Phil. (Sanskrit) (Vyakarana)

M.Phil. (Santali)

M.Phil. (Spanish)

M.Phil. (Tamil)

M.Phil. (Telugu)

M.Phil. (Urdu)

M.Phil. (Urdu and Persian)

M.Phil. (Vedanta and Vyakarana)

M.Phill. (Tamil Studies)

M.Sc. (English)

M.Sc. (Manipuri)

PD (French, German and Russian)

PDF (Russian)

PG Cert. (English) (Distance Learning)

PG Cert. (Prakrita)

PGD (Advanced Language Proficiency)

PGD (Chhatisgarhi Language and Literature)

PGD (Chinese Language)

PGD (Communicative English)

PGD (Communicative English) (Distance Learning)

PGD (Development Therapy)

PGD (English)

PGD (English Communication Skills) (Distance Learning)

PGD (English) (Distance Learning)

PGD (English Language Teaching) (Distance Learning)

PGD (European Studies)

PGD (French)

PGD (Functional Assamese)

PGD (Functional Chhattisgarhi)

PGD (Functional English) (Distance Learning)

PGD (Functional Hindi)

PGD (Functional Hindi) (Distance Learning)

PGD (Functional Urdu)

PGD (German)

PGD (Hindi)

PGD (Italian Language)

PGD (Janapada)

PGD (Japanese)

PGD (Kannada Language Studies)

PGD (Kokborok Language)

PGD (Korean Language)

PGD (Language Technology)

PGD (Linguistics)

PGD (Pali)

PGD (Pali, Buddhism and Non violence)

PGD (Pali Language and Literature)

PGD (Persian)

PGD (Prayojanmulak Hindi)

PGD (Russian Language)

PGD (Sanskrit)

PGD (Sanskrit) (Distance Learning)

PGD (Spanish)

PGD (Spoken English) (Distance Learning)

PGD (Tamil Research Methodology) (Distance Learning)

PGD (Teaching of Arabic)

PGD (Teaching of English)

PGD (Teaching of Tamil) (Distance Learning)

PGD (Telugu Teaching and Linguistics)

PGD (Tibetian)

PGD (Translation Hindi / English) (Distance Learning)

PGD (Tribal And Ethnic Studies)

Ph.D. (Applied Linguistics and TESOL)

Ph.D. (Arabic)

Ph.D. (Arabic and Persian)

Ph.D. (Arabic) (Distance Learning)

Ph.D. (Arabic Language and Literature)

Ph.D. (Ardhamagadhi)

Ph.D. (Assamese)

Ph.D. (Bengali)

Ph.D. (Bhojpuri)

Ph.D. (Bodo)

Ph.D. (Buddhist and Tibetian Studies)

Ph.D. (Chinese and Japanese)

Ph.D. (Chinese Language)

Ph.D. (Dogri)

Ph.D. (English)

Ph.D. (English and Foreign Languages)

Ph.D. (English and Journalism)

Ph.D. (English) (Distance Learning)

Ph.D. (English Language and Communication)

Ph.D. (English Language and Literature)

Ph.D. (English Language Education)

Ph.D. (English Language Studies)

Ph.D. (European Language)

Ph.D. (European Studies)

Ph.D. (French)

Ph.D. (French) (Distance Learning)

Ph.D. (French Language and Literature)

Ph.D. (German)

Ph.D. (German Language and Literature)

Ph.D. (Hindi)

Ph.D. (Hindi and Bhasha Vigyan)

Ph.D. (Hindi) (Distance Learning)

Ph.D. (Hindi Translation)

Ph.D. (Hispanic)

Ph.D. HSS (English)

Ph.D. (Humanities and Languages)

Ph.D. (Indian and Foreign Languages)

Ph.D. (Indo Pacific Studies)

Ph.D. (Informatics and Language Engg)

Ph.D. (Islamic and Tamil Studies)

Ph.D. (Italian)

Ph.D. (Japanese)

Ph.D. (Kannada)

Ph.D. (Kannada Language Studies)

Ph.D. (Kashmiri)

Ph.D. (Khasi)

Ph.D. (Konkani)

Ph.D. (Korean)

Ph.D. (Language)

Ph.D. (Language and Literature)

Ph.D. (Language technology)

Ph.D. (Linguistics)

Ph.D. (Maithili)

Ph.D. (Manipuri)

Ph.D. (Marathi)

Ph.D. (Mizo)

Ph.D. (Modern Indian Languages and Literary Studies)

Ph.D. (Nepali)

Ph.D. (Odia)

Ph.D. (Oriental Languages)

Ph.D. (Pali)

Ph.D. (Pali and Buddhism)

Ph.D. (Pali and Prakrit)

Ph.D. (Persian)

Ph.D. Portuguese

Ph.D. (Prakrit)

Ph.D. (Prakrit and Sanskrit)

Ph.D. (Prakrit, Sanskrit and Hindi)

Ph.D. (Punjabi)

Ph.D. (Rajasthani)

Ph.D. (Russian)

Ph.D. (Russian and Central Asian Studies)

Ph.D. (Russian Language and Literature)

Ph.D. (Sanskrit)

Ph.D. (Sanskrit and Lexicography)

Ph.D. (Sanskrit) (Distance Learning)

Ph.D. (Sanskrit Vedanta)

Ph.D. (Sanskrit Vyakarana)

Ph.D. (Santali)

Ph.D. (Sindhi)

Ph.D. (South Asian Studies)

Ph.D. (Spanish)

Ph.D. (Spanish Language and Literature)

Ph.D. (Tamil)

Ph.D. (Tamil Studies)

Ph.D. (Telugu)

Ph.D (Tibetan Language)

Ph.D. (Urdu)

Ph.D. (Urdu and Persian)

Ph.D. (Urdu) (Lateral Entry)

Ph.D. (Vedanta and Vyakarana)

Ph.D. (Vyakarana)

Post M.A. Dip. (Urdu Palaeography)

Post M.A. Dip. (Urdu Translation)

Pre M.A. (French)

Pre M.A. (Pali)

Pre M.A. (Russian)

Preparatory (Marathi, Urdu, English) (Distance Learning)

Senior Dip. (French)

Senior Dip. (German)

Senior Dip. (Russian)


Shastri Bridge (Distance Learning)

Shastri (Hons.)

Special Dip. (Russian)


Browse by State

Andaman and Nicobar Islands

Andhra Pradesh

Arunachal Pradesh





Dadra and Nagar Haveli

Daman and Diu





Himachal Pradesh

Jammu and Kashmir






Madhya Pradesh











Tamil Nadu



Uttar Pradesh


West Bengal

What's New

Universities | Colleges | Exams

Browse by Category



Browse by Type



Browse by Stream

Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences X

Agriculture Science and Technology

Animation and Films

Architecture and Planning

Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences


Business Finance and Commerce

Civil Services

Communications and Journalism

Computer Science

Defence Services


Education and Teaching


Fine Arts

Hospitality, Tourism and Catering

Integrated Courses


Management Studies

Medicine and Health Sciences

Online and Distance Education

Overseas and NRI Students - Study in India

Public Service Commission

Railways in India


Science and Mathematics

Sports Education

Vocational Studies

Browse by Sub Stream

Languages X



Defence and Strategic Studies











Political Science



Public Administration

Religious Studies

Social Work





Browse by Degree

Under Graduate

Post Graduate


Under Graduate Diploma

Post Graduate Diploma

Post Doctoral



High secondary


Browse by Course

M.Phil. (Hindi) X

Acharya in Navya Vyakarana

Acharya in Vyakaran

Adv. Crt. (Proficiency English)

Adv. Dip. (Applied Linguistics)

Adv. Dip. (Bulgarian Language)

Adv. Dip. (Chinese)

Adv. Dip. (Croatian Language)

Adv. Dip. (Czech Language)

Adv. Dip. (English Language)

Adv. Dip. (French)

Adv. Dip. (German)

Adv. Dip. (Hungarian Language)

Adv. Dip. ( Intensive Bulgarian Language)

Adv. Dip. (Intensive Portuguese Language)

Adv. Dip. (Intensive Russian Language)

Adv. Dip. (Japanese)

Adv. Dip. (Mass Media in Urdu)

Adv. Dip. (Modern Arabic)

Adv. Dip. (Modern Arabic Language Translation)

Adv. Dip. (Modern Persian)

Adv. Dip. (Pashto)

Adv. Dip. (Persian)

Adv. Dip. (Polish Language)

Adv. Dip. (Professional Arabic)

Adv. Dip. (Pushto)

Adv. Dip. (Russian)

Adv. Dip. (Russian Language)

Adv. Dip. (Russian Language and Literature)

Adv. Dip. (Sanskrit)

Adv. Dip. (Serbian Language)

Adv. Dip. (Slovak Language)

Adv. Dip. (Spanish Language)

Adv. Dip. (Urdu)

B. A. (Tamil) (Computer Applications)

B.A. (Additional English) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Additional Hindi Literature)

B.A. (Additional Sanskrit) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Additional Urdu) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Afsal Ul Ulama)

B.A. (Afsal Ul Ulama) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Applied Tamil) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Arabic)

B.A. (Arabic) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Arabic Language and Literature)

B.A. (Assamese)

B.A. (Assamese) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Bengali)

B.A. (Chinese)

B.A. (Communicative English Model III Double Main)

B.A. (English)

B.A. (English and Communication)

B.A. (English and Communication) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (English and History)

B.A. (English) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (English) (Integrated)

B.A. (English Language and Literature)

B.A. (English Language and Literature - Model II)

B.A. (English Literature) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Foreign Language)

B.A. (Foreign Language and Intercultural Studies)

B.A. (French)

B.A. (French) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (French Language and Literature)

B.A. (Functional English)

B.A. (Functional English) (Vocational)

B.A. (Functional Sanskrit)

B.A. (Functional Tamil)

B.A. (German)

B.A. (Gujarati)

B.A. (Gujarati) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Hindi)

B.A. (Hindi) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Hindi Language and Literature Model II Functional Hindi)

B.A. (Hindi Literature) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Hons.) (Arabic)

B.A. (Hons) (Assamese)

B.A. (Hons) - B.Ed. (Sanskrit)

B.A. (Hons.) (Bengali)

B.A. (Hons.) (Chinese)

B.A. (Hons.) (Communicative English)

B.A. (Hons.) (English)

B.A. (Hons.) (English and Economics)

B.A. (Hons.) (English and Foreign Languages)

B.A. (Hons.) (English) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Hons.) (English Language and Literature)

B.A. (Hons.) (Farsi)

B.A. (Hons.) (French)

B.A. (Hons.) (French and Francophone Studies)

B.A. (Hons.) (Functional English)

B.A. (Hons.) (Functional Hindi)

B.A. (Hons.) (German)

B.A. (Hons.) (German Studies)

B.A. (Hons.) (Hindi)

B.A. (Hons.) (Hindi) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Hons.) (Italian)

B.A. (Hons.) (Journalism, English and Political Science)

B.A. (Hons.) (Korean)

B.A. (Hons.) (Languages)

B.A. (Hons.) - M.A. (Chinese) (Integrated)

B.A. (Hons.) - M.A. (English)

B.A. (Hons.) - M.A. (French) (Integrated)

B.A. (Hons.) - M.A. (Greman) (Integrated)

B.A. (Hons.) - M.A. (Japanese) (Integrated)

B.A. (Hons.) - M.A. (Spanish) (Integrated)

B.A. (Hons.) (Maithili)

B.A. (Hons.) (Malayalam Language and Literature)

B.A. (Hons) (Manipuri)

B.A. (Hons.) (Marathi)

B.A. (Hons) (Nepali)

B.A. (Hons.) (Odia)

B.A. (Hons.) (Odia) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Hons.) (Oriya)

B.A. (Hons.) (Pali)

B.A. (Hons.) (Pashto)

B.A. (Hons.) (Persian)

B.A. (Hons.) (Prakrit)

B.A. (Hons.) (Punjabi)

B.A. (Hons.) (Pushto)

B.A. (Hons.) (Russian)

B.A. (Hons.) (Sanskrit)

B.A. Hons (Santali)

B.A. (Hons.) (Shastri)

B.A. (Hons.) (Spanish)

B.A. (Hons.) (Spanish and Latin American Studies)

B.A. (Hons.) (Spanish) (Research)

B.A. (Hons.) (Turkish Language and Literature)

B.A. (Hons.) (Urdu)

B.A. (Hons.) (Urdu) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Islamic Studies)

B.A. (Islamic Studies) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Japanese)

B.A. (Kokborok Language)

B.A. (Language and Literature)

B.A. (Linguistics)

B.A. - M.A. (Bengali) (Integrated)

B.A. - M.A. (English) (Integrated)

B.A. - M.A. (Hons.) (German) (Integrated)

B.A. - M.A. (Pali) (Integrated)

B.A. - M.A. (Sanskrit) (Integrated)

B.A. (Maithili)

B.A. (Malayalam)

B.A. (Malayalam) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Malayalam Literature)

B.A. (Marathi)

B.A. (Marathi) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Mizo)

B.A. (Modern Arabic) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Nepali)

B.A. (Odia)

B.A. (Persian)

B.A. Portuguese

B.A. (Pracheen Vyakarana)

B.A. (Prakrit)

B.A. (Prayojanmoolak Hindi)

B.A. (Punjabi)

B.A. (Punjabi) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Sanskrit)

B.A. (Sanskrit and Information Technology)

B.A. (Sanskrit) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Sanskrit) (Nyaya)

B.A. (Sanskrit) (Vedanta)

B.A. (Sanskrit) (Vyakarana)

B.A. (Shastri)

B.A. (Shastri) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Spanish)

B.A. (Tamil)

B.A. (Tamil) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Tamil Language and Literature Model I)

B.A. (Tamil Literature)

B.A. (Tamil Literature) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Telugu)

B.A. (Telugu) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Urdu)

B.A. (Urdu) (Distance Learning)

B.A. (Vedanta and Vyakarana)

B.A. (Vyakarana)

Bachelor of English

Bachelor of Functional English

Bachelor of Islamic Studies

Bachelor of Oriental Learning

Bachelor of Sanskrit Shastri

Bachelor of Yog Shastri

B.Com. (Gujarati Medium)

B.Com. (Hons.) (English)

B.Ed. (English)

B.Ed. (Gujarati)

B.Ed. (Hindi)

B.Ed. (Sanskrit)

B.Ed. (Tamil)

B.Lit. (Tamil)

B.Litt. (Tamil) (Distance Learning)

B.Voc. (Malayalam and Manuscript Management)

Cert. (Afsal - Ul - Ulama) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Aphabhramsha)

Cert. (Arabic)

Cert. (Arabic) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Bengali)

Cert. (Bhojpuri Language) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Chinese)

Cert. (Communicative English)

Cert. (Communicative English) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Conversational English)

Cert. (English)

Cert. (English Improvement)

Cert. (English Language and Life Skills)

Cert. (Finnish Language)

Cert. (French)

Cert. (French) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (French, German and Russian Languages)

Cert. (Functional English)

Cert. (Functional English) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (German)

Cert. (German) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Hindi)

Cert. (Italian)

Cert. (Kannada)

Cert. (Kannada) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Kashmiri) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Kazhaki)

Cert. (Korean Language)

Cert. (Magahi Language) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Maithili Language) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Modern Arabic Language and Translation)

Cert. (Modern Persian)

Cert. (Modern Telugu) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Pali)

Cert. (Pali Language) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Pashto Language)

Cert. (Persian)

Cert. (Portuguese Language)

Cert. (Prakrit) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Prakrit Language)

Cert. (Prakrit Language) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Proficiency in Russian)

Cert. (Proficiency in Urdu through English (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Proficiency in Urdu through Hindi) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Rajasthani Language and Culture) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Russian) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Russian Language)

Cert. (Sanskrit)

Cert. (Sanskrit) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Sanskrit Language)

Cert. (Spanish)

Cert. (Spanish Language) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Swedish Language)

Cert. (Tamil)

Cert. (Teaching English)

Cert. (Teaching of English as a Second Language)

Cert. (Teaching of English as a Second Language) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Teaching of English) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Tibetan)

Cert. (Translation) (English - Odia) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Translation Proficiency in English)

Cert. Translation (Punjabi)

Cert. (Turkemenian)

Cert. (Urdu)

Cert. (Urdu) (Distance Learning)

Cert. (Urdu Language)

Cert. (Uzbek)

D.Ed. (Urdu)

Dip. (Arabic)

Dip. (Bengali)

Dip. (Bhasha Indonesia)

Dip. (Bulgarian Language)

Dip. (Chinese Language)

Dip. (Communicative and Functional English) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (Communicative English)

Dip. (Communicative English) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (Conversational English)

Dip. (Creative Writing in English)

Dip. (Creative Writing in English) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (Creative Writing in Hindi) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (Croatian Language)

Dip. (Czech Language)

Dip. (English)

Dip. (English Communication Skills)

Dip. (English Language Skills) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (English Language Teaching)

Dip. (English language Teaching) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (English Proficiency)

Dip. (Foreign Language Education)

Dip. (French)

Dip. (French) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (French Language)

Dip. (Functional Arabic)

Dip. (Functional Arabic) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (Functional English)

Dip. (Functional Hindi and Translation) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (Functional Persian)

Dip. (German)

Dip. (German and French Languages)

Dip. (German) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (German, French and Russian Languages)

Dip. (German Language)

Dip. (Hindi)

Dip. (Hungarian Language)

Dip. (Islamic Studies)

Dip. (Italian Language)

Dip. (Japanese)

Dip. (Kannada)

Dip. (Kannada) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (Karmakand)

Dip. (Kashmiri)

Dip. (Kazhaki)

Dip. (Kokborok Language)

Dip. (korean Language)

Dip. (Language)

Dip. (Literature) (Modern European Languages)

Dip. (Malayalam)

Dip. (Malayalam Language) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (Marathi)

Dip. (Modern Arabic)

Dip. (Modern Arabic Language and Translation)

Dip. (Modern Persian)

Dip. (Odia Language and Communication) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (Pali)

Dip. (Pali Language and Literature)

Dip. (Pashto Language)

Dip. (Persian)

Dip. (Persian) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (Polish Language)

Dip. (Portuguese)

Dip. (Prakrit Language) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (Proficiency French)

Dip. (Punjabi)

Dip. (Punjabi) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (Rajbhasha Studies)

Dip. (Russian)

Dip. (Sanskrit) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (Sanskrit Language)

Dip. (Sanskrit Learning)

Dip. (Sanskrit Teaching)

Dip. (Santhali)

Dip. (Serbian)

Dip. (Sign Language Interpreter)

Dip. (Sinhalese)

Dip. (Slovak)

Dip. (Spanish Language)

Dip. (Spoken and Written English)

Dip. (Swahili Language)

Dip. (Tamil)

Dip. (Teaching German as a Foreign Language)

Dip. (Teaching German as a Foreign Language) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (Telugu)

Dip. (Telugu Language) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (Thai)

Dip. (Tibetan)

Dip. (Tibetan Language and Literature)

Dip. (Tulu)

Dip. (Turkemenian)

Dip. (Turkish) (Part Time)

Dip. (Urdu) (Distance Learning)

Dip. (Uzbek)

D.Litt. (Arabic)

D.Litt. (Bengali)

D.Litt. (English)

D.Litt. (Hindi)

D.Litt. (Manipuri)

D.Litt. (Odia)

D.Litt. (Prakrit and Sanskrit)

D.Litt. (Prakrit, Sanskrit and Hindi)

D.Litt. (Sanskrit)

Higher Dip. (Ardhamagadhi)

Higher Dip. (Pali)

Higher Dip. (Sanskrit)


Intensive Dip. (Chinese Language)

Junior Dip. (French)

Junior Dip. (German)

Junior Dip. (Modern Arabic)

Junior Dip. (Persian)

Junior Dip. (Russian)

Lower Dip. (Ardhamagadhi)

Lower Dip. (Pali)

Lower Dip. (Sanskrit)

M.A. (Afsal-Ul-Ulama)

M.A. (Anthropological Linguistics and Punjabi Language)

M.A. (Applied Sanskrit)

M.A. (Arabic)

M.A. (Arabic and Persian)

M.A. (Arabic) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Arabic Language and Literature)

M.A. (Ardhamagadhi)

M.A. (Assamese)

M.A. (Assamese) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Bengali)

M.A. (Bengali) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Bhojpuri)

M.A. (Bhojpuri) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Buddhist and Tibetian Studies)

M.A. (Chinese)

M.A. (Classical Tamil Studies)

M.A. (Dogri)

M.A. (Dogri) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (English)

M.A. (English and Comparative Literary Studies)

M.A. (English and Comparative Literature)

M.A. (English and Foreign Languages)

M.A. (English and Sanskrit)

M.A. (English) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (English) (Integrated)

M.A. (English Language)

M.A. (English Language and linguistics) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (English Language and Literature)

M.A. (English Language and Literature) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (English Language) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (English Language Teaching)

M.A. (English Literature and Language)

M.A. (English) (Online)

M.A. (European Studies)

M.A. (French)

M.A. (French and Francophone Studies)

M.A. (French) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (French Language and Literature)

M.A. (Functional English) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (German)

M.A. (German Language and Literature)

M.A. (German Studies)

M.A. (German Translation)

M.A. (Greek)

M.A. (Gujarati)

M.A. (Gujarati) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Hebrew)

M.A. (Hindi)

M.A. (Hindi and Bhasha Vigyan)

M.A. (Hindi) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Hindi Language and Literature)

M.A. (Hispanic Language and Literature)

M.A. (History Malayalam) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Hons.) (Bengali)

M.A. (Hons.) (English)

M.A. (Hons.) (French)

M.A. (Hons.) (Hindi)

M.A. (Hons.) (Odia)

M.A. (Hons.) (Punjabi)

M.A. (Hons.) (Sanskrit)

M.A. (Indian languages)

M.A. (Italian)

M.A. (Japanese Language)

M.A. (Kannada)

M.A. (Kannada and Janapad)

M.A. (Kannada) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Khasi)

M.A. (Kokborok Language)

M.A. Konkani

M.A. (Korean Language and Literature)

M.A. (Language of Advertising Media And Market)

M.A. (Language Sciences) (Integrated)

M.A. (Language Technology)

M.A. (Latin)

M.A. (Linguistics and Endangered Languages)

M.A. (Linguistics and Language Technology)

M.A. (Linguistics and Tribal Languages)

M.A. (Magahi)

M.A. (Magahi) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Malayalam)

M.A. (Malayalam Creative Writing)

M.A. (Malayalam) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Malayalam) (Integrated)

M.A. (Malayalam Language and Literature)

M.A. (Malayalam Literature)

M.A. (Manipuri)

M.A. (Marathi)

M.A. (Marathi) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Mathili)

M.A. (Mizo)

M.A. (Modern Arabic) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Navya Vyakarana)

M.A. (Nepali)

M.A. (Nepali) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Odia)

M.A. (Odia) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Oriya)

M.A. (Pali)

M.A. (Pali and Buddhist Studies)

M.A. (Panjabi) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Pashto)

M.A. (Persian)

M.A. - Ph.D. (Bengali) (Integrated)

M.A. - Ph.D. (English) (Integrated)

M.A. - Ph.D. (English Language and Literature) (Integrated)

M.A. - Ph.D. (Kannada Literature) (Integrated)

M.A. - Ph.D. (Sanskrit) (Integrated)

M.A. Portuguese

M.A. (Pracheen Vyakarana)

M.A. (Prakrit)

M.A. (Prakrit Literature)

M.A. (Prayojanmoolak Hindi) (Patrakarita)

M.A. (Prayojanmulak Hindi)

M.A. (Punjabi)

M.A. (Punjabi) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Punjabi) (Integrated)

M.A. (Rajasthan Language, Literature and Culture)

M.A. (Rajasthani)

M.A. (Rajasthani) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Regional Language)

M.A. (Russian)

M.A. (Russian Language and Literature)

M.A. (Russian Philology)

M.A. (Sankirtana)

M.A. (Sanskrit)

M.A. (Sanskrit and Culture)

M.A. (Sanskrit and Lexicography)

M.A. (Sanskrit) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Sanskrit General Language and Literature)

M.A. (Sanskrit) (Integrated)

M.A. (Sanskrit Language and Literature)

M.A. (Sanskrit) (Nyaya)

M.A. (Sanskrit) (Sahitya)

M.A. (Sanskrit) (Vedanta)

M.A. (Sanskrit Vedic Vangmaya)

M.A. (Sanskrit) (Vyakarana)

M.A. (Santali)

M.A. (Sindhi)

M.A. (Spanish)

M.A. (Tamil)

M.A. (Tamil) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Tamil Language and Literature)

M.A. (Tamil Studies)

M.A. (Teaching of English as a Second Language)

M.A. (Telgu)

M.A. (Telgu) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Telugu)

M.A. (Telugu) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Telugu Language, Literature and Translation)

M.A. (Telugu Language, Literature and Translation) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Thang -Ta)

M.A. (Tulu)

M.A. (Umang lai Haraoba)

M.A. (Urdu)

M.A. (Urdu and Persian)

M.A. (Urdu) (Distance Learning)

M.A. (Vyakarana)

M.A. (Vyakarana and Yoga)

Master in English (Distance Learning)

Master in Hindi (Distance Learning)

Master of Informatics and Language Engg

Master of Languages and Haryanvi Culture

Master of Oriental Learning

Master of Persian

Masters in English

M.Ed. (Arabic)

M.Ed. (English)

M.Ed. (Hindi)

M.Ed. (Malayalam)

M.Ed. (Sanskrit)

M.Phil. (Applied Sanskrit)

M.Phil. (Arabic)

M.Phil. (Assamese)

M.Phil. (Bengali)

M.Phil. (Bulgarian Language)

M.Phil. (Dogri)

M.Phil. (English)

M.Phil. (English and Comparative Literary Studies)

M.phil. (English and Foreign Languages)

M.Phil. (English and Sanskrit)

M.Phil. (English) (Distance Learning)

M.Phil. (English Language Studies)

M.Phil. (English Language Teaching)

M.Phil. (French)

M.Phil. (German)

M.Phil. (Gujarati)

M.Phil. (Hindi)

M.phil. (Hindi and Bhasha Vigyan)

M.Phil. (Hindi Translation)

M.Phil. (Indian Diaspora and Migration Studies)

M.Phil. (Indo Pacific Studies)

M.Phil. (Italian)

M.Phil. (Kannada)

M.Phil. (Kannada, Kalaburagi)

M.Phil. (Kannada Language Studies)

M.Phil. (Kashi)

M.Phil. (Khasi)

M.Phil. (Language technology)

M.Phil. (Malayalam)

M.Phil. (Manipuri)

M.Phil. (Marathi)

M.Phil. (MIzo)

M.Phil. (Modern Indian Languages and Literary Studies)

M.phil. (Navya Vyakarana)

M.Phil. Nepali

M.Phil. (Odia)

M.Phil. (Oriya)

M.Phil. (Pali)

M.Phil. (Pali and Buddhism)

M.Phil. (Persian)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (Arabic) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (Chinese) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (English) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (French) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (German) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (Hindi) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (Hindi Translation) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (Indo Pacific Studies) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (Japanese) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (Korean) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (Linguistics) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (Persian) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (Russian and Central Asian Studies) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (Russian) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (Sanskrit) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (Spanish) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (Tamil) (Integrated)

M.Phil. - Ph.D. (Urdu) (Integrated)

M.Phil. (Portuguese)

M.Phil. (Prakrit)

M.Phil. (Punjabi)

M.Phil. (Rajasthani)

M.Phil. (Russian and Central Asian Studies)

M.Phil. (Russian Language)

M.Phil. (Sanskrit)

M.Phil. (Sanskrit and Lexicography)

M.Phil. (Sanskrit and Pali)

M.Phil. (Sanskrit) (Nyaya)

M.Phil. (Sanskrit) (Vedanta)

M.Phil. (Sanskrit) (Vyakarana)

M.Phil. (Santali)

M.Phil. (Spanish)

M.Phil. (Tamil)

M.Phil. (Telugu)

M.Phil. (Urdu)

M.Phil. (Urdu and Persian)

M.Phil. (Vedanta and Vyakarana)

M.Phill. (Tamil Studies)

M.Sc. (English)

M.Sc. (Manipuri)

PD (French, German and Russian)

PDF (Russian)

PG Cert. (English) (Distance Learning)

PG Cert. (Prakrita)

PGD (Advanced Language Proficiency)

PGD (Chhatisgarhi Language and Literature)

PGD (Chinese Language)

PGD (Communicative English)

PGD (Communicative English) (Distance Learning)

PGD (Development Therapy)

PGD (English)

PGD (English Communication Skills) (Distance Learning)

PGD (English) (Distance Learning)

PGD (English Language Teaching) (Distance Learning)

PGD (European Studies)

PGD (French)

PGD (Functional Assamese)

PGD (Functional Chhattisgarhi)

PGD (Functional English) (Distance Learning)

PGD (Functional Hindi)

PGD (Functional Hindi) (Distance Learning)

PGD (Functional Urdu)

PGD (German)

PGD (Hindi)

PGD (Italian Language)

PGD (Janapada)

PGD (Japanese)

PGD (Kannada Language Studies)

PGD (Kokborok Language)

PGD (Korean Language)

PGD (Language Technology)

PGD (Linguistics)

PGD (Pali)

PGD (Pali, Buddhism and Non violence)

PGD (Pali Language and Literature)

PGD (Persian)

PGD (Prayojanmulak Hindi)

PGD (Russian Language)

PGD (Sanskrit)

PGD (Sanskrit) (Distance Learning)

PGD (Spanish)

PGD (Spoken English) (Distance Learning)

PGD (Tamil Research Methodology) (Distance Learning)

PGD (Teaching of Arabic)

PGD (Teaching of English)

PGD (Teaching of Tamil) (Distance Learning)

PGD (Telugu Teaching and Linguistics)

PGD (Tibetian)

PGD (Translation Hindi / English) (Distance Learning)

PGD (Tribal And Ethnic Studies)

Ph.D. (Applied Linguistics and TESOL)

Ph.D. (Arabic)

Ph.D. (Arabic and Persian)

Ph.D. (Arabic) (Distance Learning)

Ph.D. (Arabic Language and Literature)

Ph.D. (Ardhamagadhi)

Ph.D. (Assamese)

Ph.D. (Bengali)

Ph.D. (Bhojpuri)

Ph.D. (Bodo)

Ph.D. (Buddhist and Tibetian Studies)

Ph.D. (Chinese and Japanese)

Ph.D. (Chinese Language)

Ph.D. (Dogri)

Ph.D. (English)

Ph.D. (English and Foreign Languages)

Ph.D. (English and Journalism)

Ph.D. (English) (Distance Learning)

Ph.D. (English Language and Communication)

Ph.D. (English Language and Literature)

Ph.D. (English Language Education)

Ph.D. (English Language Studies)

Ph.D. (European Language)

Ph.D. (European Studies)

Ph.D. (French)

Ph.D. (French) (Distance Learning)

Ph.D. (French Language and Literature)

Ph.D. (German)

Ph.D. (German Language and Literature)

Ph.D. (Hindi)

Ph.D. (Hindi and Bhasha Vigyan)

Ph.D. (Hindi) (Distance Learning)

Ph.D. (Hindi Translation)

Ph.D. (Hispanic)

Ph.D. HSS (English)

Ph.D. (Humanities and Languages)

Ph.D. (Indian and Foreign Languages)

Ph.D. (Indo Pacific Studies)

Ph.D. (Informatics and Language Engg)

Ph.D. (Islamic and Tamil Studies)

Ph.D. (Italian)

Ph.D. (Japanese)

Ph.D. (Kannada)

Ph.D. (Kannada Language Studies)

Ph.D. (Kashmiri)

Ph.D. (Khasi)

Ph.D. (Konkani)

Ph.D. (Korean)

Ph.D. (Language)

Ph.D. (Language and Literature)

Ph.D. (Language technology)

Ph.D. (Linguistics)

Ph.D. (Maithili)

Ph.D. (Manipuri)

Ph.D. (Marathi)

Ph.D. (Mizo)

Ph.D. (Modern Indian Languages and Literary Studies)

Ph.D. (Nepali)

Ph.D. (Odia)

Ph.D. (Oriental Languages)

Ph.D. (Pali)

Ph.D. (Pali and Buddhism)

Ph.D. (Pali and Prakrit)

Ph.D. (Persian)

Ph.D. Portuguese

Ph.D. (Prakrit)

Ph.D. (Prakrit and Sanskrit)

Ph.D. (Prakrit, Sanskrit and Hindi)

Ph.D. (Punjabi)

Ph.D. (Rajasthani)

Ph.D. (Russian)

Ph.D. (Russian and Central Asian Studies)

Ph.D. (Russian Language and Literature)

Ph.D. (Sanskrit)

Ph.D. (Sanskrit and Lexicography)

Ph.D. (Sanskrit) (Distance Learning)

Ph.D. (Sanskrit Vedanta)

Ph.D. (Sanskrit Vyakarana)

Ph.D. (Santali)

Ph.D. (Sindhi)

Ph.D. (South Asian Studies)

Ph.D. (Spanish)

Ph.D. (Spanish Language and Literature)

Ph.D. (Tamil)

Ph.D. (Tamil Studies)

Ph.D. (Telugu)

Ph.D (Tibetan Language)

Ph.D. (Urdu)

Ph.D. (Urdu and Persian)

Ph.D. (Urdu) (Lateral Entry)

Ph.D. (Vedanta and Vyakarana)

Ph.D. (Vyakarana)

Post M.A. Dip. (Urdu Palaeography)

Post M.A. Dip. (Urdu Translation)

Pre M.A. (French)

Pre M.A. (Pali)

Pre M.A. (Russian)

Preparatory (Marathi, Urdu, English) (Distance Learning)

Senior Dip. (French)

Senior Dip. (German)

Senior Dip. (Russian)


Shastri Bridge (Distance Learning)

Shastri (Hons.)

Special Dip. (Russian)


Browse by State

Andaman and Nicobar Islands

Andhra Pradesh

Arunachal Pradesh





Dadra and Nagar Haveli

Daman and Diu





Himachal Pradesh

Jammu and Kashmir






Madhya Pradesh











Tamil Nadu



Uttar Pradesh


West Bengal

Total Records: 48

APSU (Awadhesh Pratap Singh University), Rewa

Rewa, Madhya Pradesh

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Affiliated Colleges

Email: Phone: +91-07662-233340

Type: Government University

Assam University

Silchar, Assam

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Affiliated Colleges

Email: Phone: +91-03842-270806

Type: Government University

BAMU (Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University), Aurangabad

Aurangabad, Maharashtra

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Affiliated Colleges

Email: Phone: +91-0240-2403399

Type: Government University

Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan

Vanasthali, Rajasthan

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Affiliated Colleges

Email: Phone: +91-01438-228456

Type: Deemed University

CU (University of Calcutta)

Kolkata, West Bengal

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Affiliated Colleges

Email: Phone: +91-033-22413288

Type: Government University

Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra

Agra, Uttar Pradesh

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Affiliated Colleges

Email: Phone: +91-0562-2801545

Type: Deemed University

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University (Kashmere Gate Campus), Delhi

Delhi, Delhi

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Affiliated Colleges

Email: Phone: +91-011-23863740

Type: Government University

Dr. C V Raman University, Chhattisgarh

Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh

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Affiliated Colleges

Email: Phone: +91-07753-253801

Type: Private University

Gauhati University

Guwahati, Assam

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Affiliated Colleges

Email: Mobile: +91-98703-91549

Type: Government University

Goa University

Goa, Goa

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Affiliated Colleges

Email: Phone: +91-0832-2452889

Type: Government University

Gujarat University

Ahmedabad, Gujarat

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Affiliated Colleges

Email: Phone: +91-079-26301341

Type: Government University

Gujarat Vidyapith, Ahmedabad

Ahmedabad, Gujarat

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Affiliated Colleges

Email: Phone: +91-079-27541148

Type: Deemed University

Gulbarga University

Gulbarga, Karnataka

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Affiliated Colleges

Mobile: +91-84722-63202

Type: Government University

HNGU (Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University)

Patan, Gujarat

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Affiliated Colleges

Phone: +91-2766-237000

Type: Government University

Jain University, Bengaluru

Bengaluru, Karnataka

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Affiliated Colleges

Phone: +91-080-43432500

Type: Deemed University

Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

New Delhi, Delhi

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Affiliated Colleges

Email: Phone: +91-011-26704090

Type: Government University

JU (Jiwaji University), Gwalior

Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh

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Affiliated Colleges

Phone: +91-0751-2442712

Type: Government University

Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences, Bhubaneshwar

Bhubaneswar, Odisha

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Affiliated Colleges

Email: Phone: +91-0674-2725386

Type: Deemed University

Karnataka State Women University

Vijayapura, Karnataka

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Affiliated Colleges

Phone: +91-08352-229051

Type: Government University

Karnataka University

Dharwar, Karnataka

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Affiliated Colleges

Type: Government University

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